Enrolment options

The goal of this course is to familarize students with the methods and techniques for developing visual modeling methods. This includes the specification of a visual modeling language including its syntax, semantics, and visual representation. Furthermore, the design and use of mechanisms and algorithms for the interaction with visual models and their analysis will be presented. The course consists of:

1) a theoretical part that explains the foundations of conceptual modeling and metamodeling including the formal specification of a modeling language using the FDMM formalism

2) a practical part for learning the use of a metamodeling platform in practical exercises

3) a project part where student create their own modeling method and implement it as a tool.

For the practical part and the project part we will use the freely available and industry-ready ADOxx metamodeling platform (www.adoxx.org). ADOxx permits to easily design and implement modeling methods including visual modeling languages and algorithms. Examples for modeling tools that have been developed with ADOxx can be found on the website of the OMiLAB network (www.omilab.org).

The topic of the project part will be determined based on the interests of the teams. Possible domains include for example: strategic management, business process management, software engineering, artificial intelligence, data management, enterprise architecture management.

Although the course is primarily directed for master students in business informatics and computer science, also students of other disciplines are welcome. At least basic programming skills on the level as taught in the Wirtschaftsinformatik II bachelor course are necessary.

A laptop is needed for the practical exercises and the project part.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)