Opzioni di iscrizione

Welcome to "The work-family interface"!

In this class, we will read and discuss research articles. 

Learning Objectives:

§       Know relevant models in work-family research and be able to address practical problems

  Know how to read a scientific paper, where to find which kind of information in a paper

§       Understand how a study was carried out, be able to interpret results, and know how to critically appraise study methodology

What is expected of you in exchange for 3 ECTS (equivalent of 90 work hours):

§       Participation (10%): Regular active participation in the discussion is required, including the preparation of the first of the readings suggested for the week (with asterisk) guided by questions on Moodle.

§       Brief interview: A short interview (about 20 minutes) with an employee has to be conducted by October 1st to assess positive and negative aspects regarding the reconciliation of work and family (how well does it succeed, what are the consequences, what factors at work and at home play a role, how could it be improved), it does not have to be submitted, rather some key points have to be noted as input for our discussions and for the discussion with the practitioner .

§       Presentation (10%): For each of the topics, additional material is proposed for a 5-minute student talk to initiate discussions in small groups. The presenter should tell us a) which constructs are investigated in the study and b) how (=methodological approach incl. criticism). 

§       Small-group work (exam preparation): Each subgroup should a) discuss links of the respective constructs discussed in the plenary sessions (* article of that week and the introductory text by Allen (2012)) as well as to practical issues that emerged in the interviews you conducted, and b) critically reflect the methods employed in the study and think of possible alternative approaches (ideally beyond what was proposed in the article itself).

§       Written exam (80%): A written exam will ask you to discuss some of the key issues of the class.

Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)