REDCap tutorials

Sito: Moodle@Unifr
Corso: Scientific IT Help
Libro: REDCap tutorials
Stampato da: Utente ospite
Data: mercoledì, 3 luglio 2024, 11:36


This book contains tutorials related to complex functionalities from REDCap as well as a list of new functionalities that are introduced at each major update.

Of note, if in REDCap you are not seeing one of the functionalities presented in the book, it means that you do not have the access rights. To access the desired functionality, go to , select your username and click on  to adjust the individual access privileges. If you are not even seeing the  option, then you need to ask the project responsible or the Sponsor/PI to grant you access to the desired functionality.

Recording of the last REDCap Database Implementation Course [04.10.2024]

The course material can be downloaded here.

REDCap Updates

In this chapter you will find a brief summary of the new features introduced with each significant update of our REDCap installations.

REDCap major updates

REDCap 13.1.13 LTS

The most relevant changes are highlighted in red.

Category Description Introduced
Fields Select and modify multiple fields together on the Online Designer: Users may select multiple fields on the Online Designer by holding the Ctrl, Shift, or Cmd key on their keyboard while clicking on the field in the table, which will reveal the options to Move, Copy, or Delete all the selected fields. To make users aware of this feature, a floating note now appears near the right side of the page in the Online Designer with instructions on how to use this. 10.1.1
Survey New hook: redcap_survey_acknowledgement_page: Allows custom actions to be performed on a survey's acknowledgement/"thank you" page immediately after the survey has been completed. Note: This hook is different from the redcap_survey_complete hook because the redcap_survey_complete hook is not recommended if you wish to output HTML, CSS, or JS onto the survey page after the survey is completed (because the page may be redirected immediately after the survey is completed, thus the participant might never see anything output by this hook prior to the redirect). The redcap_survey_acknowledgement_page hook is recommended for outputting HTML, CSS, or JS onto the survey page after the survey is completed. 10.2.0
Alerts Users may re-evaluate some or all Alerts & Notifications for all records in a project. If an alert has been modified after data has already been entered in the project, users may click the “Re-evaluate Alerts” button on the Alerts & Notifications page, which will re-evaluate selected alerts for all records to ensure that notifications get properly sent or scheduled based on the new conditions of the alert (otherwise they could only be triggered if each individual record had data modified). If a user modifies the conditional logic of an alert, it will recommend that they utilize the “Re-evaluate Alerts” functionality. If an alert has the “Ensure logic is still true…” option checked, then it is possible during this process that some already-scheduled notifications might get removed (and thus would no longer be scheduled) based on the new conditions.  10.3.0
Survey Users may re-evaluate some or all Automated Survey Invitations for all records in a project. If an ASI has been modified after data has already been entered in the project, users may click the “Re-evaluate Auto Invitations” button in the Online Designer, which will re-evaluate selected ASIs for all records to ensure that invitations get properly sent or scheduled based on the new conditions of the ASI (otherwise they could only be triggered if each individual record had data modified). If a user modifies the conditional logic of an ASI, it will recommend that they utilize the “Re-evaluate Auto Invitations” functionality. If an ASI has the “Ensure logic is still true…” option checked, then it is possible during this process that some already-scheduled invitations might get removed (and thus would no longer be scheduled) based on the new conditions. 10.3.0
Survey Added "Language of text to be spoken" for the "Text-To-Speech" survey functionality, which is available on the Survey Settings page. For several years, REDCap has had a Text-to-Speech feature for surveys that, when enabled, allows questions and other text on survey pages to be converted into natural-sounding audio for the participant to hear. Up until now, it supported English only, but now REDCap users may utilize the Text-to-Speech feature in a variety of non-English languages and voices, assuming that the survey text is in a non-English language. This includes Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English (UK and US), French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish (Castilian, Latin American, and North American). 10.3.0
Data Quality Data Quality Rule import/export - The Data Quality page in a project now displays a drop-down list of options for users to import/export custom Data Quality rules via a CSV file. Note: This does not apply to the pre-defined DQ rules (rules A-I). Also, when DQ rules are imported, the process is additive only, meaning that the CSV upload cannot replace or edit existing DQ rules but will only add new ones to the project. 10.4.0
DAG Data Access Group import/export and DAG-User assignment import/export: The Data Access Groups page in a project now displays a drop-down list of options for users to import/export Data Access Groups, which allows users to bulk create or rename DAGs via a CSV file. It also allows for the import/export of DAG-user assignments via CSV file to bulk assign/reassign/unassign users from DAGs in a project. Note: The DAG-user assignment import affects only a user’s *current* DAG assignment; thus, it has no effect on the DAG Switcher assignments for the user. 10.4.0
Action Tags @CALCDATE: Performs a date calculation by adding or subtracting a specified amount of time from a specified date or datetime field and then provides the result as a date or datetime value - e.g., @CALCDATE([visit_date], 7, 'd'). The first parameter inside the @CALCDATE() function should be a text field with date, datetime, or datetime_seconds validation, in which you may specify (if needed) the event and repeating instance - e.g., @CALCDATE([baseline_event][visit_date], 7, 'd'). The second parameter represents the offset number amount that should be added or subtracted. It can be a decimal number or integer. Tip: To subtract (i.e., go backwards in time), use a negative number. The third parameter represents the units of the offset amount, which will be represented by the following options: 'y' (years, 1 year = 365.2425 days), 'M' (months, 1 month = 30.44 days), 'd' (days), 'h' (hours), 'm' (minutes), 's' (seconds). The unit option must be wrapped in quotes or apostrophes.
@CALCTEXT - Evaluates logic that is provided inside a @CALCTEXT() function and outputs the result as text, typically performed with an if(x,y,z) function - e.g., @CALCTEXT(if([gender]='1', 'male', 'female')). NOTE: It is important to realize that a field with @CALCTEXT will not be editable on the survey page or data entry form, and the field will function almost exactly like a normal calculated field, in which its value may get updated via a data import, when running Data Quality rule H, or in real-time during normal data entry on a form or survey. If desired, it is possible to return the value as a number - e.g., @CALCTEXT(if([age] >= 18, 'adult', 5*[other_field])).
Survey New survey option “Save a PDF of completed survey response to a File Upload field”: On the Survey Settings page in the Online Designer, users may select a File Upload field in the project where a static PDF file of a participant’s survey response will be stored immediately after they complete the survey. For longitudinal projects, if the target field exists on multiple events, users may set this feature so that it stores the PDF in the selected field in the current event (default) or else in a specific event in the project. Thanks to Philip Chase and his team at University of Florida for their inspiration for this feature, in which it was based on their “Save Survey PDF to Field” external module. NOTE: Upgrading to REDCap 10.6.0 will *not* automatically disable the “Save Survey PDF to Field” module if it is installed and enabled on any projects, nor will it transfer the saved settings of that module into this new feature in REDCap 10.6.0
Imports Auto-numbering of repeating instances for data imports: When using repeating events or repeating instruments, it may be difficult when performing dynamic imports of data for these because it is not easily known how many repeating instances already exist in a project for a given repeating event/instrument, thus often forcing users to invent clever ways to determine this, such as performing data exports beforehand and then dynamically determining what the next repeating instance number should be. However, that is no longer necessary. When performing a data import now for a repeating event/instrument, users may use the literal value “new” as the value for the “redcap_repeat_instance” field in their data import. By doing so, REDCap will perform the instance auto-numbering on its own to increment the repeating instances properly based on the highest numbered instance that already exists in the saved data in the project. 10.6.0
Logic New logic editor for conditional logic, branching logic, calculations, report filters, etc.: In every place where users might add/edit logic or calculations, the new logic editor will be displayed in a modal dialog to provide a better user experience for entering their logic. The logic editor provides much more space for entering large amounts of logic, including a fullscreen mode to take maximum advantage of their screen’s real estate. It also provides bracket-matching and parentheses-matching where it will highlight a pair of matching brackets/parentheses to make it easier for users to gauge which brackets/parentheses belong together in the logic, thus reducing possible errors in the logic when typing. 10.6.0
Piping New “:inline” piping option for File Upload fields: If piping using the ':inline' option for a File Upload field, such as [my_field:inline], in which the uploaded file is a PDF file or image file (JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIF, BMP), the file will be displayed in an inline manner so that it is viewable on the page. The ':inline' option DOES work inside emails, so you can pipe a field with ':inline' inside the email body, thus allowing you to display inline images inside survey invitations or Alerts & Notifications. 10.7.0
Action Tags @INLINE action tag: Allows a PDF file or image file (JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIF, BMP) that is uploaded to a File Upload field to be displayed in an inline manner on the survey page or data entry form so that the PDF/image can be viewed by the user or survey participant without having to download it. 10.7.0
Fields Field Bank: When adding new fields via the Online Designer, users will see an "Import from Field Bank" button, which will allow them to search different standardized catalogs of commonly used fields, such as in the U.S. National Library of Medicine catalog. The Field Bank helps users add new fields quickly and easily to their data collection instruments. Over time, more standardized catalogs of fields will be added to the Field Bank. 10.7.0 
Piping New “:link” piping option for File Upload fields: If piping using the ':link’ option for a File Upload field, such as [my_field:link], the file's filename will be displayed as a clickable hyperlink for downloading the file, which works on webpages and also inside the body of email text (i.e., survey invitations or Alerts & Notifications). 10.7.1
User Rights Ability to to import/export user rights via a CSV file on the User Rights page: Users can download a CSV file to view all the user privileges of the existing users in a project, including their instrument-level user rights. Users can upload a CSV file to grant new users access to the project and/or to modify the user privileges of existing users, including their instrument-level user rights. 10.8.0
API New API “Export Logging” method: This new API method allows users to export a project’s logging via the API using very similar methods and filters as in the project’s user interface. See the documentation for all filter parameters that are available. 10.8.0
Range  Custom ranges (min/max) for slider fields - Users may now set a custom minimum and/or custom maximum integer value for slider fields. The default min and max is still 0 and 100, respectively. If no value is entered for the min or max value, it will assume the default value. These can be set via the Edit Field popup in the Online Designer, and via the “Text Validation Min” and “Text Validation Max” columns in the Data Dictionary. 10.8.0
Data Quality Export Data Quality rule results - After running a data quality rule, users may export the results/discrepancies of the rule as a CSV file. The CSV file will be structured exactly like a date export/import file, which should allow for faster and easier cleaning of data so that values can be fixed and then re-uploaded as a data import. 10.8.4
Survey Alternative survey completion text: Users can optionally set alternative survey completion text that is displayed in place of their standard survey completion text whenever a survey is ended via a Stop Action on any field. This is useful when it doesn’t make sense for non-eligible participants to see the same survey completion text as those who completed the survey fully.
Prevent survey responses from being saved if the survey ends via Stop Action: Users can optionally choose to prevent submitted responses from being saved as data in the project if the survey ends via Stop Action. This is useful if survey administrators do not wish to keep the data for ineligible participants, for example. This means that if a one-page public survey is started but ends via Stop Action, no data from that response will be saved into the project (i.e., no new record will be created), but it will log this event on the project Logging page (so that users are at least aware of this happening despite no data being saved).
Survey Custom offline message for surveys in offline status- Users can provide custom text that is displayed to participants only when the survey is offline. This custom text will be displayed in place of the default offline text on the survey while the survey is in offline mode. This text can be set at the top of the Survey Settings page. 10.9.0
Charts Smart Charts: Smart Charts are various aggregate plots and charts utilized as different Smart Variables. The following plots are available for use: bar charts, pie charts, donut charts, scatter plots, and line charts. These are all represented by the following Smart Variables, respectively: [bar-chart], [pie-chart], [donut-chart], [scatter-plot], and [line-chart]. These Smart Variables accept one or more field names and also other optional parameters, as described below for each. 11.0.0
Tables Smart Tables: Smart Tables are tables displaying aggregate descriptive statistics in which the results of any or all of the following stats functions can be displayed for one or more fields: minimum, maximum, mean/average, media, sum, count, standard deviation, count of missing values, and count of unique values. Smart Tables are represented with the Smart Variable [stats-table], which accepts as a parameter the variable names (comma delimited) of all the fields to be displayed as separate rows in the table. There is no limit to the number of fields that can be used. For example, [stats-table:field1,field2,field3]. 11.0.0
Functions Smart Functions: Smart Functions are aggregate mathematical functions that are utilized as Smart Variables. The following Smart Functions exist: [aggregate-min], [aggregate-max], [aggregate-mean], [aggregate-median], [aggregate-sum], [aggregate-count], [aggregate-stdev], and [aggregate-unique]. Each represents the mathematical functions minimum, maximum, mean/average, media, sum, count, standard deviation, and unique count, respectively. Each must have at least one field attached to it that follows a colon - e.g., [aggregate-mean:age]. Multiple fields may be used in each one, which will perform the function over all the data values of all the fields. By default, the functions will utilize all data values for all records in the project. To limit the data values being utilized to a subset of the total project data, see the Smart Variable documentation on how to apply filters, such as attached unique report names, DAGs, and other parameters 11.0.0
Projects Project Dashboards: Project Dashboards are pages with dynamic content that can be added to a project. They can utilize special Smart Variables called Smart Functions, Smart Tables, and Smart Charts (described below) that can perform aggregate mathematical functions, display tables of descriptive statistics, and render various types of charts, respectively. User access privileges are customizable for each dashboard, and anyone with Project Design privileges can create and edit them. A Wizard is provided on the Project Dashboard creation page to help users easily construct the syntax for Smart Functions, Smart Tables, or Smart Charts, and a basic list of helpful examples is also included. Example dashboard: 11.0.0
Alerts Reorder alerts on Alerts & Notifications page - In the options menu for any given alert, a user can select an alert to be moved to another position on the Alerts & Notifications page. When this is done, it notifies the user that moving the alert will in most cases cause the alert numbers to be renumbered for many existing alerts (since they are numbered based on their order). However, their alert title and unique alert ID will not change during this process. 11.1.0
Alerts Import/export alerts via CSV file on Alerts & Notifications page: Users may export and import alerts to the same project or another project using a CSV file. If updating an existing alert, the unique alert ID must be included in the CSV file to identify the alert that the user wishes to modify. If the unique alert ID is left blank in the CSV file being uploaded, it is assumed that the user wishes to create a new alert. 11.1.0
Branching Logic Project-level setting “Prevent branching logic from hiding fields that have values”: This setting can be enabled by any project user with Project Setup/Design privileges in the Additional Customizations popup on the Project Setup page This setting affects both data entry forms and surveys. If it is not enabled (default), then whenever a field is to be hidden by branching logic on a data entry form, it will always ask the user if they wish to hide the field and erase its value, whereas on survey pages it will automatically erase the value of the field being hidden without displaying the confirmation prompt, which has always been the default behavior for surveys. If this setting is enabled, the branching logic behavior will change so that fields with values will not cause the 'Erase the Value of the Field?' confirmation prompt to ask the user if they wish to keep the value or hide the field, and instead fields with values will not be hidden by branching logic and will stay visible. Thus they will be exempt from branching logic. This will prevent data from being erased as it normally does if fields are hidden by branching logic. 11.2.0
API Tableau Data Export- Extract all records into Tableau via the REDCap API. This feature enables Tableau (v10.0+) users to connect Tableau to a REDCap project using an API token. Project data can be exported on demand and be available for use within Tableau to produce summaries and visualizations. The Other Export Option page in any given project has instructions to export project data into Tableau. 11.2.0 
Action Tags @MAXCHOICE-SURVEY-COMPLETE: Similar to @MAXCHOICE but only counts choices on completed survey responses (does not count data entered as data entry only or on partial responses). Causes one or more specified choices to be disabled (i.e., displayed but not usable) for a checkbox, radio button, or drop-down field after a specified amount of records have been saved with that choice for completed survey responses only. 11.2.0
Smart Variables
  • [event-id] - (longitudinal only) The event id number of the current event.
  • [survey-access-code:instrument] - The Survey Access Code of the specified survey for a given record/event/instance. The format must be [survey-access-code] or [survey-access-code:instrument], in which 'instrument' is the unique form name of the desired instrument. This can be used simply as [survey-access-code] inside the content of a survey invitation, in which 'instrument' is assumed to be the current survey instrument.
  • [survey-return-code:instrument] - The Survey Return Code of the specified survey for a given record/event/instance in order to allow a participant to return to a completed or partially completed survey response when using the 'Save & Return Later' survey feature. The format must be [survey-return-code] or [survey-return-code:instrument], in which 'instrument' is the unique form name of the desired instrument. This can be used simply as [survey-return-code] inside the content of a survey invitation, in which 'instrument' is assumed to be the current survey instrument.
  • [user-role-id] - The Role ID of the user role to which the current user is assigned (blank if not assigned to any user role). This value is auto-generated for each user role. NOTE: This value is not just unique for all roles within the project but is also unique across all REDCap projects. Thus, if the project and its user roles are copied, the Role IDs of the user roles in the resulting copy will be different from the ones in the original project.
  • [user-role-name] - The unique role name of the user role to which the current user is assigned (blank if not assigned to any user role). This value is auto-generated for each user role. NOTE: This value is only unique for roles within the project. Thus, if the project and its roles are copied, the new project will retain the same unique role names, which allows you to utilize the unique role names in conditional logic, calculations, branching logic, etc. that will not break when the project is copied.
  • [user-role-label] - The name/label of the user role to which the current user is assigned (blank if not assigned to any user role). This value is defined by the user that creates the user role.
Reports Ability to make reports accessible at a public link: When editing a report, users can now set a report as “public” and can obtain a public link to the report if they have User Rights privileges in the project. When a report is public, this means that all data in the report will be fully accessible (with no authentication required) to anyone with the public link to the report. 11.2.0
DAG “DAG Switcher” API method: When using the DAG Switcher functionality in a project, this method allows users to move themselves in and out of a Data Access Group at will using the API just as they would do the same thing in the user interface (assuming they have been assigned to multiple DAGs on the DAG Switcher page). 11.3.1
Action Tags @IF: Allows various action tags to be set based on conditional logic provided inside an @IF() function - e.g., @IF(CONDITION, ACTION TAGS if condition is TRUE, ACTION TAGS if condition is FALSE). Simply provide a condition using normal logic syntax (similar to branching logic), and it will implement one set of action tags or another based on whether that condition is true or false. For example, you can have @IF([yes_no] = '1', @HIDDEN, @HIDE-CHOICE='3' @READ-ONLY), in which it will implement @HIDDEN if the 'yes_no' field's value is '1', otherwise, it will implement the two action tags @HIDE-CHOICE='3' and @READ-ONLY. If you wish not to output any action tags for a certain condition, set it with a pair of apostrophes/quotes as a placeholder - e.g., @IF([my_radio]='1', @READONLY, ''). You may have multiple instances of @IF for a single field. You may also have multiple nested instances of @IF() inside each other. Both field variables and Smart Variables may be used inside the @IF condition. The @IF action tag is also evaluated for a given field when downloading the PDF of an instrument/survey, in case there are any PDF-specific action tags used inside of @IF(). 11.4.0
Email Email Logging page: This is a new project page that contains a search interface to allow users with User Rights privileges to search and view ALL outgoing emails for that project (also includes searching and viewing of SMS messages if using Twilio services). 11.4.0 
Email Protected Email Mode: Users can enable the Protected Email Mode on any project on the Project Setup via the Additional Customization dialog. This setting prevents identifying data (PHI/PII) from being sent in outgoing emails for alerts, survey invitations, and survey confirmation emails. If enabled, either A) all alerts, survey invitations, and survey confirmation emails or B) those whose email body is attempting to pipe data from Identifier fields will be affected, in which it will not send the full email text to the recipient but will instead send a surrogate email containing a link that leads them to a secure REDCap page to view their original email. If someone is accessing an email in the Protected Email Mode for the first time (or for the first time in the past 30 days), it will send a security code to their inbox that will allow the recipient to view any protected emails for up to 30 days on that same device. The Protected Email Mode is similar to Microsoft Outlook's "sensitivity label" feature. 11.4.0
MLM Multi-Language Management: Users can create and configure multiple display languages for their projects for surveys, data entry forms, alerts, survey invitations, etc. Users can design data collection instruments and have them be displayed in any language that they have defined and translated so that their survey participants or data entry persons can view the text in their preferred language. This eliminates the need to create multiple instruments or projects to handle multiple languages. NOTE: The MLM feature will not auto-translate text, but provides tools so that users may easily translate them themselves. 12.0.0
MLM New Action Tags for Multi-Language Management: 
  • @LANGUAGE-CURRENT-FORM - Allows you to capture the currently used language in projects where multilingual data is enabled on data entry forms. The @LANGUAGE-CURRENT-FORM action tag can be used on fields of type 'Text Box' (no validation), and 'Drop-down List', or 'Radio Buttons' (these need to have choices whose codes correspond to the IDs of the defined languages - e.g., 'en'). This action tag is only active on data entry forms and will always, when possible, set the field's value to the currently active language.
  • @LANGUAGE-CURRENT-SURVEY - Same as @LANUGAGE-CURRENT-FORM, but works only on survey pages. For multi-page surveys, @LANGUAGE-CURRENT-SURVEY needs to be used on a field of each page where capture of the language is relevant (e.g. for performing branching).
  • @LANGUAGE-FORCE - When used on a field, the data entry form or survey on which the field is located will be rendered in the specified language (which must have been set up using the Multi-Language Management feature). The format must follow the pattern @LANGUAGE-FORCE="???", in which the ID of the desired language should be inside single or double quotes - e.g., @LANGUAGE-FORCE="de". Piping is supported - e.g., @LANGUAGE-FORCE="[field_name]". When the language is forced successfully (i.e., it exists and is active), the language selector is hidden. Using this together with @LANGUAGE-CURRENT-FORM/SURVEY on the source field for @LANGUAGE-FORCE may be used to 'lock in' a user to their selected language.
  • @LANGUAGE-FORCE-FORM - Same as @LANGUAGE-FORCE, but the effect is limited to data entry forms (i.e. this does not affect surveys).
  • @LANGUAGE-FORCE-SURVEY - Same as @LANGUAGE-FORCE, but the effect is limited to surveys (i.e. this does not affect data entry forms).
  • @LANGUAGE-SET - When used on a Drop-down or Radio Button field only, this action tag will allow the field's value to control the currently shown language (in the same way as switching the language via the buttons at the top of the page). Tip: When used in a survey, this field could be prepopulated (and thus auto-selected) by embedding a participant's language ID in the survey URL itself (for details, see the FAQ's "How to pre-fill survey questions" section).
Forms Form Display Logic: Form Display Logic is an advanced feature that provides a way to use conditional logic to disable specific data entry forms that are displayed on the Record Status Dashboard, Record Home Page, or the form list on the left-hand menu. You might think of it as 'form-level branching logic'. Form Display Logic can be very useful if you wish to prevent users from entering data on a specific form or event until certain conditions have been met. The forms will still be displayed on the page, but they will be disabled in order to prevent users from accessing them. Below you may define as many conditions as you want. A form may be selected in multiple conditions, but if so, please note that the form will be enabled if at least one of the conditions is met. The Form Display Logic does not impact data imports but only operates in the data entry user interface to enable/disable forms. Additionally, Form Display Logic is not utilized by the Survey Queue at all but can affect the behavior of the Survey Auto-Continue feature if the checkbox for it is enabled in the setup dialog. The Form Display Logic setup can be found by clicking the “Form Display Logic” button at the top of the instrument list in the Online Designer. 12.0.0 
Check Design Checker for the Clinical Data Mart (CDM): The “Data Mart Design Checker” is a new tool available in the Data Mart fetch page that will report any issue related to the design of the current Data Mart project. Based on the most recent Data Mart XML template available in REDCap, the tool will check, list, and fix any of these issues: missing forms, variables, revisions, or section headers, the lack/presence of repeatability in a form, variables included in the wrong form, etc. An administrator or a user with Project Setup/Design privileges can use the tool to review and automatically fix all reported issues. This tool will mainly be utilized when users have modified the structure of an existing Data Mart project or if new forms and data types have been added to the Data Mart feature itself since the users initially created their Data Mart project. 12.0.0
Smart Variable [event-number]: The current event's ordinal number as listed on the Define My Events page that denotes the order of the event within a given arm. 12.0.5
Field Validation Time (HH:MM:SS): This new time-based field validation (unique name "time_hh_mm_ss") will be added automatically and enabled by default during the upgrade process. This validation forces users/participants to enter a time value that contains the hour, minute, and second components. It also includes the usage of the "Now" button and the timepicker popup widget, both of which are displayed next to the field on the survey page or data entry form. Note: Fields with this field validation can be utilized inside the datediff() function. (Thanks to the Field Validation Committee for this addition.)
Action Tags @FORCE-MINMAX: The action tag @FORCE-MINMAX can be used on Textbox fields that have a min or max validation range defined so that no one will not be able to enter a value into the field unless it is within the field's specified validation range. This is different from the default behavior in which out-of-range values are permissible. Note: @FORCE-MINMAX is also enforced for data imports to ensure the value is always within the specified range.
Range Dynamic min/max range limits for fields: Instead of using exact values as the minimum or maximum range of Textbox fields (e.g., "2021-12-07"), you may now also use "today" and "now" as the min or max so that the current date or time is always used. These can be used to prevent a date/time field from having a value in the past or in the future. Additionally, you can now pipe a value from another field into the field's min or max range setting - e.g., [visit_date] or [event_1_arm_1][age]. This can help ensure that a Textbox field (whether a date, time, or number) has a larger or smaller value than another field, regardless of whether the field is on the same instrument or not. 12.1.0 
Survey Conditional logic for Survey Auto-Continue: When enabling Survey Auto-Continue on the Survey Settings page for a survey, users may now optionally specify conditional logic to determine whether or not the auto-continue should be applied. As such, REDCap will auto-continue to the next survey *only* if the conditional logic is TRUE or if the logic textbox has been left blank. This new option can be used as a simpler alternative to the Survey Queue, which can require more complex instrument-event level configurations for longitudinal projects. 12.1.0
Smart Variables New Smart Variables for Survey Start Date/Time: Users can access the start time via piping by using the new Smart Variables [survey-time-started:instrument] and [survey-date-started:instrument], which can be used inside the @DEFAULT or @CALCTEXT action tags, among other places. If users wish to have them return the raw value, which will be in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format and would be more appropriate for conditional logic or calculated fields, simply append ':value' after the unique instrument name - e.g., [survey-date-started:instrument:value].

New Smart Variables for Survey Duration: Users can obtain the total amount of time that has elapsed since the survey was started (in seconds, minutes, etc.) by using [survey-duration:instrument:units] and [survey-duration-completed:instrument:units]. The Smart Variable [survey-duration] represents the difference between the survey's start time and either its 1) completion time (if completed) or 2) the current time (if not completed), whereas [survey-duration-completed] represents the difference between the survey's start time and completion time, in which a blank value will be returned if the survey has not been completed. Options for 'units': 'y' (years, 1 year = 365.2425 days), 'M' (months, 1 month = 30.44 days), 'd' (days), 'h' (hours), 'm' (minutes), 's' (seconds).

User Rights Instrument-level Data Export Rights: Users may specify instrument-level privileges regarding a user's data export capabilities on the User Rights page in a project. A user may be given "No Access", "De-Identified", "Remove All Identifier Fields", or "Full Data Set" data export rights for EACH data collection instrument. This improvement will make it much easier to match a user's Data Exports Rights with their Data Viewing Rights, if you wish, and will give users more granular control regarding what data a user can export from your project. 12.2.0
Survey Save a PDF of completed survey response to a File Upload field: users can now optionally set this feature to store the translated version of the PDF if the Multi-language Management feature is being utilized for the survey. This can be enabled by checking the “Store the translated version of the PDF” checkbox below the “Save a PDF…” setting on the Survey Settings page for the desired survey. 12.2.2
Piping -
Action Tags
@PLACEHOLDER: Piping can now be performed inside the value of the @PLACEHOLDER action tag - e.g., @PLACEHOLDER="[first_name] [last_name]". 12.2.3
Survey Survey UI Tweaks: Integration of many features from the “Survey UI Tweaks” External Module. The Survey UI Tweaks EM will not be disabled for any projects. 12.3.0 
Alerts SendGrid Dynamic Templates for Alerts & Notifications: SendGrid Dynamic Templates give users significantly more control over the style and design of emails when compared to the standard email alert type. Enabling this feature on the Project Setup page will give users another alert type to choose from on the Alerts & Notifications page called “SendGrid Template”. Thus, similar to Twilio, this feature is a project-level feature that users may enable on individual projects (or users can have administrators enable it for them). This integration requires that you have an account setup on 12.4.0
Calendar Calendar Sync: Users may sync their REDCap project calendar or perform a one-time import of their project calendar events to external calendar applications such as Google Calendar, Outlook, Office 365, Zoho, Apple Calendar, or any application that supports iCal or ICS files. They may choose one of the two options below to sync or import their project calendar events to an external calendar application. 12.4.0
Images Embedding images in text & emails: Users may now embed one or more inline images into the text of a survey invitation, an alert, or a field label on a form/survey, among other things, by clicking the image icon in the rich text editor and then by uploading an image from their local device. Anywhere that the rich text editor is used, users may embed an image into its text (with one exception: the @RICHTEXT action tag on public surveys). 12.5.0
Smart variable [new-instance]: This new Smart Variable [new-instance] can be appended to [survey-link], [survey-url], [form-link], and [form-url] to create a URL that points to a new, not-yet-created repeating instance for the current record. In this way, [new-instance] functions essentially as [last-instance]+1. This new Smart Variable works for repeating instruments and also for instruments on repeating events. 12.5.0
Survey Repeating Automated Survey Invitations (ASIs): Users can now set ASIs to send multiple times on a recurring basis for any repeating survey in a project. If the survey is a repeating instrument or if it exists on a repeating event, then users will see a new section "How many times to send it" in the ASI setup popup in the Online Designer. There users may set the ASI to send survey invitations repeatedly at a regular interval, in which it can repeat forever or a set number of times. This new repeating ASI feature works similarly to how recurring alerts have always worked for Alerts & Notifications. 12.5.0
Alerts SendGrid Template Advanced Settings for Alerts & Notifications: A new “advanced settings” section was added to the Alerts & Notifications interface when building an alert using the relatively new SendGrid Template alert type that gives users more control over the underlying SendGrid API call being made when REDCap triggers a SendGrid Template alert. Note that all of the advanced settings are optional, and they are all disabled by default. If “SendGrid Template email services for Alerts & Notifications” are enabled for a project on the Project Setup page, then these advanced settings will appear in the alert creation dialog after selecting “SendGrid Template” as the alert type. The new advanced settings are all listed in detail below. 12.5.6
Report Download all files on a report: When viewing a report (including public reports) that contains one or more File Upload fields or Signature fields, a “Download Files (zip)” button will appear on the page to allow users to easily download all the report’s uploaded files into a single zip file for those fields for the records in the report. 12.5.11
Apps Integration of the MyCap External Module: MyCap is a participant-facing mobile application (on iOS and Android) used for data collection and the automated administration of active tasks (activities performed by participants using mobile device sensors under semi-controlled conditions). All data collected in the MyCap app is automatically sent back to the REDCap server as soon as internet connection is available (i.e., it can also be used for offline participant data collection). MyCap is a no-code solution for research teams conducting longitudinally-designed projects or projects with frequent participant contact. MyCap also facilitates participant engagement and retention by providing quick access to project staff and two-way communications (e.g., messaging and announcements) within the app. MyCap is available on any iOS device (iOS v11.0+) and any Android device (Android v8.0+). For more information about MyCap, check out the MyCap website, publication, resources, and a list of MyCap use cases. 13.0.0
File Upload Redesign of the File Repository: The File Repository page has been redesigned to make it easier to store, organize, and share the files in your projects.Users now have the ability to create folders and sub-folders to help organize their files more effectively. If using Data Access Groups or user roles, users may optionally limit access to a new folder so that it is DAG-restricted and/or role-restricted. Uploading multiple files is much faster with a new drag-n-drop feature that allows for uploading dozens of files at a time. Sharing files is better too, in which users may obtain a public link to conveniently share a file with someone. New API methods also exist that allow users to upload, download, and delete files programmatically using the API. Additionally, the File Repository has a new built-in Recycle Bin folder that makes it easy to restore files that have been deleted. Users can upload as many files as they wish. There is no limit. Additionally, there is no limit to how many folders and sub-folders that can be created (or how deep that they can be nested within other folders). 13.1.0
File Upload Embedding file attachments in text & emails: Users may now attach one or more files into the text of a survey invitation, an alert, or a field label on a form/survey, among other things, by clicking the file attachment (paperclip) icon in the rich text editor and then by uploading a file from their local device. This feature is available for every rich text editor *with the exception* of non-project pages (e.g., the Email Users page) and also any field with the @RICHTEXT action tag. 13.3.0

REDCap 13.7.6 LTS

The most relevant changes are highlighted in red.

Category Description Introduced
Fields A new "preformatted code block" button was added to the toolbar of all rich text editors. 13.3.0
Fields & Emails Embedding file attachments in text & emails: Users may now attach one or more files into the text of a survey invitation, an alert, or a field label on a form/survey, among other things, by clicking the file attachment (paperclip) icon in the rich text editor and then by uploading a file from their local device. All files uploaded via the rich text editor will be represented in the text of the editor as a public file-sharing link, which allows the file to be downloaded in any context (e.g., on surveys, on authenticated REDCap pages, and in public areas like emails and public dashboards). This means that if anyone has possession of this link, they will be able to download the file (at least, until the file has been deleted). All files uploaded via the rich text editor will be automatically stored in a special “Miscellaneous File Attachments” folder in the File Repository where they can be accessed and/or deleted, if necessary. If any such file is deleted from the “Miscellaneous File Attachments” folder in the File Repository, the associated download link for the file will cease to be active and thus will become a dead link wherever it has been used. 13.3.0
Interface The Internet Explorer web browser is no longer supported in REDCap 13.4.0
Alerts Mosio SMS ServicesREDCap has the capability to send SMS text messages for surveys and for Alerts & Notifications by using a third-party web service named Mosio ( In this way, users can invite a participant to take a survey by sending them an SMS message, in which the data would be collected in REDCap directly from their phone without having to use a webpage. There are two ways REDCap currently works with Mosio: 1) Surveys – Sending survey invitations and also sending questions and getting replies via text message, and 2) Alerts - Sending one-way Alerts & Notifications via text message. The Mosio Two-Way Text Messaging (SMS) Services work exactly the same as the current Twilio functionality, with the exception of the Voice Call features. Mosio can only send and receive SMS messages. For more information and to get a Mosio account, visit 13.4.0
Action Tags @INLINE-PREVIEW action tagWhen this action tag is added to File Upload fields or Description Text fields, a preview button will be displayed next to the field on survey pages and data entry forms if the uploaded file is an image or PDF file. Clicking the preview button will immediately display the image/PDF inline on the page, after which it can be closed again, if desired. This allows users/participants to view the file without having to download it to their local device. 13.5.0

New Multi-Language Management workflow for adding new languages to projects, plus many other improvements:

  • Improved workflow and user interface for adding new languages to projects.
  • Project languages can now "subscribe" to system languages (i.e., any changes/additions to UI translations made in the Control Center will automatically be visible in projects).
  • Editing/updating of existing languages has been redesigned and split into separate edit (rename, etc.) and update (sync with system languages or import translations from files) dialogs.
  • Added an option to download (empty - i.e. without data) PDFs of all or individual instruments.
  • The default setting for the ASI Language Source is not "Language preference field" (instead of "User's or survey respondent's active language").

REDCap 14.0.10 LTS

The most relevant changes are highlighted in red.

Category Description Introduced
Data Import Background Data Import: Users may now alternatively import data using an asynchronous background process (as opposed to the existing real-time process). The background process is better for large data files. The background process will email the user after the data file has been fully imported, and the email will note any errors that may have occurred during the import process. 13.8.0
Action Tags @MC-PARTICIPANT-JOINDATEThis action tag is a MyCap annotation that can be used with Text fields with date/time validation. When using this action tag on a field, the field will capture the install date/time of the MyCap participant whenever the participant joins a project via the MyCap mobile app.  13.8.5
  • New text string functions replace_text (haystack, search, replace) and concat_ws (separator, text, text, ...) 
  • New math functions mod (dividend,divisor)  and exponential (number)
See relevant help pages in REDCap for more information.
Action Tags @MC-PARTICIPANT-CODEThis action tag is a MyCap annotation that can be used with Text fields. When using this action tag on a field, the field will capture the MyCap participant’s participant code whenever they join a project via the MyCap mobile app. 13.9.3
MyCap Longitudinal functionality for MyCap-enabled projects:  In previous versions, longitudinal projects could not utilize MyCap (the feature would be disabled automatically). Now with the release of the new MyCap mobile apps on Android and iOS, longitudinal functionality is possible and is supported in the new MyCap mobile app. For any projects currently using MyCap, there will be a “transition” button on the MyCap Participants page that will allow the users to transition the project and any existing participants to use the new MyCap mobile app (note: this transition process is completely optional and not required unless wanting to use longitudinal functionality and other new MyCap features). The older MyCap mobile apps will still be available and updated in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for the time being.

See our tutorial for greater details.

New special functions:

  • year() - Returns the year component of a date/datetime field - e.g., year([dob]).
  • month() - Returns the month component of a date/datetime field - e.g., month([visit_datetime]).
  • day() - Returns the day component of a date/datetime field - e.g., day([visit_date]).


New piping parameters:

  • :year - Returns the year component of a date/datetime field - e.g., [dob:year].
  • :month - Returns the month component of a date/datetime field - e.g., [visit_datetime:month].
  • :day - Returns the day component of a date/datetime field - e.g., [visit_date:day].

Action Tags

@SHOWCHOICE: When applied to a multiple-choice field, this action tag will hide all choices except for the ones listed in its argument. This action tag is useful if you wish to only show a subset of choices depending on some logic (e.g., depending on data access groups) via the IF action tag. The format must follow the pattern @SHOWCHOICE='??', in which the coded values should be inside single or double quotes for the choice(s) you wish to show. If more than one choice needs to be shown, then provide all the coded values separated by commas. For example, to show the choice 'Monday (1)', you would have @SHOWCHOICE='1', but if you wanted to additionally show 'Tuesday (2)', you would have @SHOWCHOICE='1,2'. NOTE: The @SHOWCHOICE action tag supports piping into its argument - e.g., @SHOWCHOICE=”[my_checkbox:checked:value]”.


UniFR Template and Best Practices

UNIFR Template

When requesting the creation of a project to REDCap admins (DIT-SIT, UNIFR), you project will be pre-populated with our own template (courtesy from CTU Bern)


In this template we provide example eCRFs (instruments) for standard clinical trials forms:

  • Eligibility
  • Randomization
  • End of Study
  • (Serious) Adverse Event (study and sponsor) [specific to IMP trials]
  • Protocol Deviation
Keep in mind that these instruments are solely templates that you can freely modify to match your study design. Only keep the ones that may be useful for your study and remove the instruments that you do not plan to use.

User roles
Analysis Standard role for the statistician
Data Entry Standard role for the study nurse
Monitoring Standard role for central data monitoring and for on-site monitoring
Super User The project super user has the maximum rights on his study database. He can manage user rights, roles, data access groups (DAGs), he can deploy his study database.
Project Setup Design study database: create eCRFs (instruments), visit plan, reports, enter test data
Sponsor/PI Standard role for the sponsor and/or the PI

The template comes with a predefined report that you can use to submit (serious) adverse event cases to the ethics comittee:

You can adapt the report to your study by going to  and by clicking on "Edit":

Best Practices for Database Implementation

To improve the quality of your database implementation and make your statistician(s) happy, here are a few tips with courtesy from the CTU Bern.

1. Provide understandable variable names

For each new item, you need to provide a unique variable name. Best practice is to include acronyms in the name of the item corresponding to:

  • The instrument in which the item is located
  • The label of the item
  • The field type
FORMAT: instrument_field_type

For example, if you want to create an item in a "demographic" instrument assessing whether a participant is a UNIFR student, you could code it accordingly:


You will find below a list of acronyms that may be used to indicate the field type of an item:

Field type Acronym
Yes/No _yn
True/False _tf
Date _dt
Date-time -dtm
Integer _int
Numeric _num
Calculated fields  _calc
Descriptive text _desc 
Notes Box  _txt
File upload _up

! Be careful that the length of a variable name SHOULD NEVER EXCEED 26 characters !

2. Standardize the coding values

When creating an item and defining choices, try to be consistent across the entire database. You can, for example, use the following coding structure for special values:

Code Value
0 no/false/negative/absent/abnormal
1 yes/true/positive/present/normal
 1  male
 2  female
88 other/else
99 not available/NA/unknown

Branching Logic Reminder

Here is a small reminder of the most useful fonctions in branching logic and what they can be used for:

Function Description
[sex] = "2" Display question if sex = female (Female is coded as 2)
[sex]= "2" and [given_birth] = "1" Display question if sex = female (Female is coded as 2) and given birth = yes (Yes is coded as 1)
([height] >= 170 or [weight] < 65) and [sex] = "1" Display question if (height is greater than or equal to 170 OR weight is lower than 65) AND sex = male (Male is coded as 1)
[last_name] <> "" Display question if last name is not blank (i.e., if last name field has data)
[visit_date] = "" Display question if visit date is blank (i.e., if visit date has no data)
[race] = "88" Display question if race = other (Other coded as 88)
 [race(88)] = "1" Display question if 'other race' is checked (Checkbox field type!)

Multi-Language Management

The Multi-Language Management (MLM) feature enables you to setup translations for your fields as well as for the whole REDCap interface (e.g., buttons, links, instructions, ..).

Keep in mind, that you should ideally start defining new languages and translations only when your instruments' fields are all set and finalized.

IMPORTANT: Changes are not automatically saved, thus you regularly need to save your changes either by pressing on CTRL+S or on .

You are also informed of any updates to your original translated items:

And you are able to review the changes before approving them:

1. Add a New Language

To add a new language go to  ➡️ .

From there you have the possibility to either define the language manually or to use one of the system languages provided by the DIT-SIT team.
Of note, the first language should be the default one (i.e., the language in which your fields were originally written).

NEW INTERFACE (since REDCap 13.7.4)

When you want to add a new language, you first have to chose whether you want to use one of our validated system languages or if you prefer to build you translation from scratch:

If you select the option "from available system languages" you now also have the possibility to keep the language updated automatically (i.e., the updates are done by REDCap admins).

1.1. System Languages

The DIT-SIT provides a number of system languages most of which were validated from the Johns Hopkins University.
You can find the list of available system languages as well as translation certification documents on the following REDCap webpage.
Keep in mind that these translations only apply to the User Interface but will not automatically translate your fields.

Click on  and then simply select the language from the drop-down list of "available system languages":

If the language you are interested in is not available in this list, email the DIT-SIT team and they will add the missing language(s) system translation.

1.2. Manually Setting Up a Language

  • First, you need to enter the 2-letters ISO code (see list) related to the language you want to define:

  • Then, you should set the "Display Name" (in its language) and optionally define an "Alternate Name" (e.g., in English) to enhance classification :

When you are ready, simply press on to validate your settings.

2. General Settings

Once you have defined each language separately, they will appear under the  tab:

If you want to use one of the listed languages, do not forget to activate your languages .
Again, you should always set the language in which you entered your fields (here French) as the "Default" and "Fallback" option (!).

2.1. Import/Export Language Translations

You also have the possibility to export your language translations in different formats by pressing on  if you prefer to work in external applications (e.g., Excel):

Similarly, you can import your translations by editing a specific language: ➡️ 
and load your file here:

3. Forms/Survey

Under the  tab, first, select the language for which you'd like to manually enter translations (logically NOT the default/reference language): .

Then, for each instrument you have created you can define if you want to apply translations to the Data Entry and/or Survey functionality:

Once you are safistied with your settings, simply press on  to start providing translations to your fields.
Keep in mind here that you also have the possiblity to export individual instrument translations (similarly to what was described above for the whole language export/import).

4. Translate Items

The principle behing translating items remains the same if it's for fields, Alerts, or for the User Interface:

You need to manually enter the translation in the dedicated entry form for each item:

Once done, the field turns green:

Repeat this step for all listed items and do not forget to save (CTLR + S or by pressing on)
If you have a very long list of items which are partially translated, you can always decide to hide the translated items by clicking on .

If you chose to add a new language from the available system languages (see 1.2), you will notice that most (if not all) items under the  tab are already translated, e.g.:

5. Advanced Settings

Under the  tab, you will find additional options that may, for e.g., help you identify missing translations.
There, you can also create snapshots of your translations by pressing on .
As specified, creating a snapshot can be useful to allow you to revert your translations back to a specific point in time.

6. Language Preference Field

If you use Surveys, you have the possibility to create a field dedicated to setting language preferences for each record.
You have the possibility either to create the field for the Data Entry interface or for it to be displayed in the Survey.

  • Select one your instrument and create a new field  with type  or 
  • Give it a meaningful name (e.g., "language_pref")
  • Define the choices according to the languages you have created earlier, e.g.:
Of note, the choices must match the languages ID (2-letters ISO CODE) you have defined earlier in the  module.
  • Add the following  to apply the language preference to your instruments:
  • Save the field, go back to  and select the field you have just created from the drop-down list:
  • Other  can be used if, for e.g., if you want to retrieve the current language of a specific survey page and paste it somewhere else: .

Additional Documentation

Here are 4 videos that may support you in exploring the MLM module:

  1. Adding Languages

  2. Providing Translations of Surveys/Instruments

  3. Translating the User Interface

  4. Exporting and Importing Languages Between Projects

Calendar Sync

Since REDCap version 12.4.0 LTS, you now have the possibility to synch REDCap internal calendar with external applications such as Google Calendar, Outlook, Office 365, Zoho, Apple Calendar, or any application that supports iCal or ICS files.

1. Configure the Calendar

For that purpose go to  and click on .
At this point, you can either choose online or offline calendar synchronization. While online sychronization should be favoured because it will send regular updates to your external application, offline synchronization may also be handy in cases where you do not plan to make any adjustments to the REDCap calendar during the study trial.

1.1. Online Synchronization

To use the  option, simply copy the calendar URL to the clipboard:

Then, open your favourite external calendar application (here Google Calendar) and import the new calendar "from URL":

You then just need to paste the URL from the clipboard and the calendar will be successfully configured:

Of note, even though the REDCap calendar is not synchronized to your external application, this calendar feed represents a one-way feed. This means that while changes made to the calendar in REDCap will automatically show up in the external calendar application, you will not be able to modify them in the external calendar application because they will be read-only.

1.2. Offline Synchronization

If you prefer to use offline synchronization, you should follow the instructions under .

Basically, click on  and, in your external application (here Google Calendar), add a new calendar by "importing" a file:

Select the *.ics file you just download and import it:

2. Longitudinal Designs

If your research project includes more than one visits, under  you should enable the following functionality: .

A new module appears right below which lets you configure the study's events grid:

1.1. Define Events Grid

First you need to define your study events by clicking on . When you have created your events, you need to .
For more information on how to setup events and assign instruments to them, have a close look at this video:

Here is a basic example of an event grid:

And the assignment of each instrument to their respective events:

1.2. Scheduling Module

Now that you have properly defined your events grid, go back to  and enable the .

A new option should now pop-up under the  sidebar: .

The scheduling module enables you to plan all the experimental sessions for a new or existing participants:

If you press on  and validate the request by pressing on  your participant's schedule will be added to the REDCap Calendar.

If you now go back to the , you will see that it's been automatically populated with the dates of your participants' sessions (here part. number 1104 and 1105), based on the events grid you defined earlier:

Instrument-level Data Export Rights

Before REDCap version 12.2.0 LTS, it was only possible to define a user's data export capabilities for all instruments at once:

Now, you have the possibility to fine-tune the data export privileges for each instrument separately:

Thus, in the same way you used to defin Data Entry Rights for your instruments, you should now taken time to adjust the Export Rights depending on the role your research project's study personnel. 

For example, if your study statitician should not be able to see identifying information from the "Contact Information" instrument and should only have access to the "Weight" and "Cardiovascular" data/survey, this is how the Data Viewing and Export Rights should be configured:


MyCap is a REDCap module as well as an iOS v11.0+/Android v8.0+ application whose purpose is to create user-friendly frameworks for survey creation, data collection and automated administration of active tasks (activities performed by participants using mobile device sensors under semi-controlled conditions).


  •  MyCap now also supports longitudinal projects (see changes from version 14.0.8) ! For more information, see .
  • A new MyCap appwas release in September 2023. You should now ignore the older app which was renamed MyCap Classic.

1. Configuring MyCap

Under "Project Setup", simply enable MyCap: .

As soon as you enable MyCap, an instruction window opens up. Please read through it carefully (also summarized below). 
You can always reopen the instructions by clicking on .

1.1. Instructions summary

  1. To configure MyCap Tasks/Schedules a user must have "Project Design and Setup" rights (under ). To invite participants/send messages, the "Manage MyCap Participants" rights must be activated.
  2. A record must already exist for a participant to join the project in the MyCap App (thus the first instrument containing the participant record cannot be used as a MyCap Task).
  3. By default, MyCap Tasks are scheduled based on the date participants join your project on their MyCap app. 
  4. To enable an instrument go to  and select the instruments which you would like to activate in MyCap: 
  5. For a better graphical experience, you can use "MyCap App Design": .
  6. To setup communications with participants and investigate App synchronization issues , go to
  7. When you are done and/or anytime you make changes, you need to publish your new MyCap version: .
  8.  Extensively test your project on an Android (v8.0+) and iOS (v11.0+) devices or any device type (phones, tablets) that participants might use prior to onboarding participants.


Vanderbilt University (USA) provides 3 examples using MyCap:

  1. Basic Functionality
  2. Active Tasks
  3. Scheduling

Additional information

  1. How to configure instruments to be MyCap Tasks

  2. How to create study-specific MyCap App pages for participants

  3. How to invite participants to join MyCap and manage communications

More documentation:
  1. Getting Started
  2. Customizing Your Project
  3. Scheduling MyCap Tasks
  4. Using the Baseline Date
  5. Participant Management

Project Dashboards

Project Dashboards are pages with dynamic content that can be added to a project. Dashboards can utilize special smart variables called Smart Functions, Smart Tables and Smart Charts that perform some basic aggregation of data in your project or display simple descriptive statistics or charts. 

See an example of a public project dashboard.

1. Create a Project Dashboard

To create your first Project Dashboard, go to  and then simply .

1.1. Setup Wizard

The setup wizard  helps you with creating a dashboard using the new smart variables. The wizard provides an intuitive editor allowing you to select the variables you are interested in and how to filter them. The wizard will output the syntax that you need to insert into the dashboard. 

Make sure to copy the generated Smart Variable syntax
 before you exit the wizard. You can then paste the information to display into the location on the Dashboard Content field that you want. You can use the wizard to help you set up any type of smart function, chart or table.

Of note, ...
  1. in order not to impact the overall performance of REDCap, project dashboards only check for updated data once every 10 minutes, hence data may be slightly out-of-date in dashboards. At the top right of a dashboard, there will be an indicator showing when the data was laste cached.
  2. project Dashboards and Smart Functions, Smart Charts and Smart Tables do not currently work in the REDCap Mobile App (for offline data collection)

1.2. User Rights

You are able to set user-specific rights to access a dashboard. You can choose either specific users or specific Data Access Groups (DAGs) who can view a specific dashboard. This is similar to the access you can set for specific reports. 

1.3. Data Privacy

Smart Functions/Tables/Charts are intended to display aggregate data. However, if there are a small number of records for a particular filter, then displaying values in a scatterplot could represent a threat to an individual's privacy if the information is displayed on a public dashboard. For this reason, the minimum number of records required to display Smart Functions/Tables/Charts is 11. If a public dashboard is loaded when there are very few records for certain categories, then a message reading [INSUFFICIENT AMOUNT OF DATA FOR DISPLAY] will display instead.

1.4. Make the Dashboard Public

When you are editing a dashboard, there is a section at the top that allows you to set the dashboard as "public":

A public dashboard will have an automatically generated URL that you can copy and paste to share with others. You can also set a custom short link by pressing on .
Of note, a public dashboard will not show up in search engine search results (e.g., Google, Bing, ...) (!).

2. Smart Functions, Tables & Charts

Smart Functions, Tables and Charts are new types of Smart Variables that can provide aggregate information across records.

2.1. Smart Functions

Smart Functions are smart variables that evaluate data in a context-dependent way, but produce aggregate results. You can use Smart Functions to produce project-level aggregates (e.g. average and standard deviation for age of all participants) or to aggregate information within a record.

List of Aggregate Smart Functions:
    • [aggregate-min:fields:parameters]: The minimum value of a field across all records in a project.
    • [aggregate-max:fields:parameters]: The maximum value of a field across all records in a project.
    • [aggregate-mean:fields:parameters]: The mean/average of a field across all records in a project.
    • [aggregate-median:fields:parameters] The median value of a field across all records in a project.
    • [aggregate-sum:fields:parameters]: The sum of all values for a field across all records in a project.
    • [aggregate-count:fields:parameters]: The count of all values in a field across all records in a project.
    • [aggregate-stdev:fields:parameters]: The standard deviation of a field across all records in a project.
    • [aggregate-unique:fields:parameters]: The number of unique values in a field across all records in a project.

Multiple fields may be used in each Smart Function, which will aggregate the values across all values for all of the fields. (e.g. if you have two different "height" fields for participants in different arms of a study, then you could list both variable names to get the average of all participants.)

Smart Functions can be used in anywhere in a project where piping is permitted, including inside calculations, branching logic or report filters.

2.2. Smart Tables

Smart Tables are tables that automatically display aggregate descriptive statistics. A Smart Table will list the results of any or all of the following stats functions:

Screenshot of a Smart Table showing descriptive statistics for height, weight, race, and gender.
Example of smart tables: minimum, maximum, mean/average, median, sum, count, standard deviation, count of missing values, count of unique values.

Smart Tables can be inserted with the Smart Variable [stats-table]. List the variables you would like to display as a parameter, separated by commas. (e.g. [stats-table: variable1, variable2] will display a table with variable1 and variable2 in separate rows.

Display Only Some Columns: By default, all columns are displayed in a Smart Table. If you would only like some columns displayed, then you can list them as a parameter using the following designations separated by commas: count, missing, unique, min, max, mean, median, stdev, sum. For example, [stats-table:field1,field2,field3:mean,max].

2.2. Smart Charts

Smart Charts allow you to display simple plots and charts utilizing aggregate Smart Function data. Smart Functions and Smart Charts do not have the power of statistical analysis or data visualization software. Smart Charts are most useful for simple categorical data.

    • Colors are preset and are not modifiable.
    • Accessibility: Smart Charts are automatically enabled with the option to switch to a color-blind friendly display.
    • When to Use: Smart Charts can be used anywhere in a project where piping is allowed
    • Click to Enlarge: When viewing a dashboard Smart Chart, it can always be enlarged by clicking on it.

Line Charts

Description / Syntax Chart Display

Line Chart with Two Fields

Smart Variable snytax for this chart:

Screenshot of simple line chart for height versus weight.

Line Chart with a Third Variable for Grouping

Smart Variable syntax for this chart:

Line chart with height and weight, grouped by gender.

Scatter Plots

Description / Syntax Chart Display

Scatter Plot of Two Fields

Smart Variable syntax for this chart:

Screenshot of scatter plot displaying height and weight.

Scatter Plot with a Third Variable for Grouping

Smart Variable syntax for this chart:

Screenshot of a male/female separated scatter plot.

Pie Charts

Description / Syntax Chart Display

Pie Chart

Smart Variable syntax for this chart:

Screenshot of a pie chart displaying data for race.

Donut Charts

Description / Syntax Chart Display

Donut Chart

Smart Variable syntax for this chart:

Screenshot of a donut chart displaying data for race.

Optional Parameters for Smart Functions, Smart Tables and Smart Charts

There are a number of optional parameters that can be used with Smart Functions/Tables/Charts:

    • :R-XXXXXXXXXX Unique Report Name - For Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables, filter the data being used by appending a Unique Report Name. Next to each report on the 'My Reports & Exports' page is its unique report name, which has 'R-' following by alphanumeric characters. By default, all Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables will use the values of all records in the project, but if a unique report name is appended to any of them, only data from that specific report will be used. Using a report as a surrogate to filter data is a very useful technique of performing complex filtering logic for Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables.
    • :record-name - For Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables, filter the data being used to the *current record* by using the literal value 'record-name'. Note: This parameter will only work in a context where a single record is being viewed/accessed, such as on a survey page, data entry form, etc. This parameter can be used with any of the other parameters except unique report names.
    • :event-name - For Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables, filter the data being used to the *current event* (longitudinal projects only) by using the literal value 'event-name'. Note: This parameter will only work in a context where a single record/event is being viewed/accessed, such as on a survey page, data entry form, etc. This parameter can be used with any of the other parameters except unique report names.
    • :unique-event-names Unique Event Names - For Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables, filter the data being used to specific events (longitudinal projects only) by providing an event's unique event name (found on the Define My Events page). You may use one or more unique event names (comma-separated). Note: This parameter can be used with any of the other parameters except unique report names.
    • :user-dag-nameFor Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables, filter the data being used to the records assigned to the *current user's Data Access Group* by using the literal value 'user-dag-name'. Note: This parameter will only work in a context where an authenticated user belongs to a project and has been assigned to a DAG in the project (this excludes survey pages and public project dashboards). This parameter can be used with any of the other parameters except unique report names.
    • :unique-dag-names Unique DAG Names - For Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables, filter the data being used to the records assigned to specific Data Access Groups by providing a DAG's unique group name (found on the Data Access Groups page). You may use one or more unique DAG names (comma-separated). Note: This parameter can be used with any of the other parameters except unique report names.
    • :bar-vertical - Display a bar chart with the bars going vertically instead of horizontally (the default) by using the literal value 'bar-vertical'. Note: This parameter can be used with any of the other parameters.
    • :bar-stacked - Only for bar charts using two fields, display the bar chart with the bars stacked on top of one another for each choice. Whereas the default view is that the bars of each field are displayed side by side to show the color grouping. To enable this, use the literal value 'bar-stacked'. Note: This parameter can be used with any of the other parameters.
    • :no-export-link - Only for bar charts using two fields, display the bar chart with the bars stacked on top of one another for each choice. Whereas the default view is that the bars of each field are displayed side by side to show the color grouping. To enable this, use the literal value 'bar-stacked'. Note: This parameter can be used with any of the other parameters.

Source of the page content: 

Additional information

Twilio SMS messaging for REDCap

! The Twilio SMS feature is currently offered by the DIT-SIT as a 1-year test phase !
During this time period, the SIT team will evaluate whether Twilio is the most suitable method for handling SMS within REDCap.

Keep in mind that phone numbers are considered identifying information. Thus, it is mandatory to explicitly state in your ethics protocol that you plan on collecting phone numbers.

1. Request the Activation

Send the SIT team an email stating that you'd like to activate the SMS Twilio Module for your REDCap project.
Please provide the following information:
  • REDCap server (MED or SEC)
  • Project name
  • Estimated number of SMS/year
  • Estimated duration of the study

Of note, only Swiss phone numbers are currently accepted

2. Activate the Twilio Module (done by DIT-SIT)

On your REDcap project page, we will activate the Twilio Module by entering the credentials under:


3. Configure Twilio Module

 To configure the Twilio Module go to




From there, you can decide whether you want to active Twilio for Survey, Alerts or both:

Here, we advise only to use the "Survey as webpage" option and to avoid using the voice call service (at least for the moment):

3.1 Survey Invitations

Requires that the survey module is activated  ➡️ .

To specify the phone numbers of your survey respondents, follow these steps:

 ➡️  ➡️ 

Enter the list of phone numbers which should receive an invitation:

Finally, compose your invitation by clicking on .

3.2 Alerts & Notifications

To setup the SMS functionality for alerts and notifications follow these steps:
Do not forget to change the Alert Type to "SMS Text Message":

Again, you should avoid using the Voice Call functionality, at least for the moment:

4. Overview of Messages Sent

If you want to have an overview of the Email/SMS sent within your project over time go to .

5. Admin API Access to Your Project

For your information, an admin from the DIT-SIT tram will grant himself/herself API export rights to your project in order to record the amount of SMS that are being sent. 
Of relevance, Identifying fields will be removed in the export rights for the admin user, such that only anonymized data is exported.


Randomization can be directly implemented in REDCap and can sometimes be a bit tricky. We provide here suggestions to improve the quality of your randomization in REDCap.

1. Enable the Randomization Module

Go to  then click on "Enable" .

A new option will then pop-up under "Applications" (left hand menu): .

2. Define the Randomization Model

Depending on the complexity of your research design, you have two optional settings that may be configured:

  • : By choosing strata (multiple choice fields), you may then be able to ensure balance within subgroups such as gender, race, etc. You can add up to 14 stratification factors.
  • : Stratify the randomization by each group/site in case of multi-center/multi-site project. A multiple choice field or the Data Access Groups can be chosen to stratify by group/site.
The only mandatory setting is  where you define the field where the allocated randomization (treatment) group will be saved and stored (this is where the button wille appear). In the case of a longitudinal design (with or without multiple study arms), you also have to chose the event name where the button should appear.

Of note, REDCap reaches its limits here in that it can only offer static randomization. Thus, for study designs including different study arms, REDCap does not offer the possibility to randomize your participants to either one of the other study arm. As such, you should think carefully whether you really need to create separate "arms" in your REDCap project. The purpose of REDCap's arm functionality is to facilitate different groups of records having different events or different form-event mappings. You do not necessarily need to set up separate REDCap arms just because your study has separate treatment arms

If you really need to randomize your participants to different study arms, then you could follow this example:
When our studies use this type of 3-arm project, we train study teams in manually entering data for subject #1 in the randomization arm, then randomizing them, and then starting another record for subject #1 in the correct intervention or control arm. You'll get a warning from REDCap that 2 records in different arms have the same record ID, but in this example that is what you want.

For this alternate method to work, you will need to deactivate the  (Know that deactivating this module entails risks for your study as you will be responsible for numbering your records ID).

Once  you save your randomization model you should get the following message:

Also, be informed that once you save your randomization model:

3. Prepare and Upload Allocation Tables

Based on your randomization model, REDCap provides you with 3 different models (Excel .csv files with comma delimiter):

Take the one that suits you better and start defining your allocations randomly.
This step is usually performed by your study statistician, while the rest of the study team should remain blind to conditions allocation.


The allocation table for the DEVELOPMENT status should be different from the one used in PRODUCTION mode:

The development allocation table is used to perform pre-tests while the productive allocation table should solely be used once recruiting real participants' data.

Additional Documentation

For a step-by-step demonstration, have a quick look at the following video: