Fluorescence light microscopy is a core
technique to visualize biological processes in fixed and living tissue. With new development in microscope design and
image acquisition progress was also made in digital image analysis. The aim of
this course is to give the students a theoretical background in digital image
analysis and to train students to use state of the art software tools. In a first module the students obtain
theoretical knowledge about principles of digital image analysis and learn
about ethical aspect in image manipulation. In a second module students are teached in
workshops to use image analysis open source software ImageJ/Fiji and commercial
software Bitplane Imaris and Huygens Deconvolution. In self-directed teaching tutorials student acquire
basic image analysis skills (File
formats, Metadata, Contrast adjustment, Background correction, Filtering). In workshops advanced techniques are learned such
as image segmentation, 3D rendering, deconvolution, and co-localization. An introduction in batch processing and macro
language will complete the session. The
course will give practical guidelines that will help students with imaging
projects in their line of research
- Enseignant·e: Boris August Egger
- Enseignant·e: Felix Meyenhofer
- Enseignant·e: Guillaume Witz
- Enseignant·e: Guillaume Robert Witz