This course covers a wide range of issues related to the regulation of cell proliferation in eukaryotic cells. These include fundamental aspects of cell cycle control and their coordination with environmental cues that are mediated by signal transduction pathways. Lectures will provide detailed information on both the recent conceptual and technical advances in the field of cell proliferation control.
Tilman Brummer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting (Block course Cell Proliferation UE-SBL.00415)
Join Zoom Meeting (Thursday, 24th of February: 10:15 - 12:00 h and 14:15 - 16:00 h; Friday, 25th of February: 9.30 - 11.30 h and 14:15-16:00 h);!!Dc8iu7o!gEDX-3biUyIgWIA7mp0Y1PD-Xy75USrOMCDGI-GEI3w1z5j78Iyk1MulC18XFucGiCji5uIq$
Meeting ID: 641 9479 0194
Passcode: si1M2WrFs
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Meeting ID: 641 9479 0194
Passcode: 525503875
- Docente: Claudio De Virgilio