This course covers topics in Behavioral Economics, which integrates insights from psychology into economics. The course will cover central themes in psychology and economics, including non-standard time and risk preferences, social preferences, fairness and social norms, reference-dependent preferences, decision biases and heuristics. Towards the end of the semester, will then look at how these behavioral models affect our understanding of market interactions and how they can inform policy makers. In addition, we will review empirical and experimental evidence and discuss study designs and experimental methods. The main goal of the course is to introduce students to some of the key concepts of behavioral economics. This involves both formal models of behavior and their empirical and experimental assessment. The course is therefore suited both for students interested in theoretical and in empirical work. An emphasis will be put on (lab and field) experiments that test and inform behavioral models and the lectures will introduce students to some of the core principles of experimental economics. All lectures are based on articles published in international scientific journals.
- Docente: Jana Freundt