The lecture conveys basic knowledge of the political processes of European integration after the Second World War, their scientific analysis, central institutions and phenomena as well as current challenges and perspectives. It approaches the topic in a transdisciplinary way and combines the historical view of the History of European integration as well as political science research on Europe.

The course is divided into four blocks, each of which contains elements of introduction and joint reflection: We begin with important terminology, the theoretical approaches of political science research on Europe and the trans-epochal driving forces of European integration. After an overview of the precursors and origins of European integration in a second block, we will look at the central integration organisations, the Council of Europe, NATO, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the European Union (EU) with regard to their institutional structures, processes and areas of responsibility and question their role in a pan-European perspective. Besides these institutional manifestations of the "Europe of States", an excursus will point out the importance of further cross-border processes of European unification, both in the political and non-political sphere. In the last block, we will address – in the light of the war in Ukraine, but not exclusively – current challenges and perspectives of political European integration in challenging times.

In addition to imparting basic knowledge on fundamental aspects of the political processes of European integration, the academic discourse of the course serves to strengthen the individual ability to discuss the topics dealt with. This, together with the independent reflection on further literature, forms the basis for the oral exam at the end of the semester.