In the environmental sector, ethical studies mostly deal with the justification of environmental measures, but rarely with the ethical challenges that arise in the course of their implementation. This lecture introduces the instrument of ethics of principles and accompanies the implementation of current measures in the environmental field. These change depending on the semester.
This page applies to SSE.00230 Principles of environmental ethics I, SSE.00231 Principles of environmental ethics II, SSE.00432 Principles of environmental ethics (advanced), including reading seminar and SSE.00433 Principles of environmental ethics (advanced).
- Docente: Astrid Kaiser Trümpler
- Docente: Tristan Katz
- Docente: Simon Kräuchi
- Docente: Hanna Mirjam Schübel
- Docente: Valentina Vicini
- Docente: Basil Viret
- Docente: Ivo Wallimann-Helmer