Opzioni di iscrizione

Doing age across the life course

Far from referring just to the chronological order of years since birth, age is a decisive marker of identity across the life course and, like gender and ethnicity, it is a structural and powerful organizational principle of social life. However, (social) scientists tend to lose sight of this when they define age as a proxy or as a purely socio-demographic characteristic to define the boundaries of their research projects. In this seminar we will discuss the social construction of age and how age matters across the life course. How are children, adolescents, adults, and older people constructed in relation to their age? How does age intersect with other categories of difference? The seminar will take a close look at key concepts developed by interdisciplinary researchers to address age differences across the life course such as Childism, Youthism, Adultism, Ageism, Generational Order, Age Coding, and Un/Doing Age.


Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)