Type of break

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Re: Type of break

by Louise Colette Marie Rossier -
Hello !
Thank you for your very interesting question :). I will respond to it in two manners:
- First, we saw in literature many research that have used stretching exercises as a break because they are practical to put in place in the workplace and in our lab too. Moreover, it was easier to stay in the lab, doing the exercises without the need for special equipement. It was also a time saver to stay in the lab.
- Second, the litterature does not clearly distinguish between these two types of breaks (relaxing and physical) but some authors do. They distinguish a physical break from a relaxing break based on the physical activity and movements the employee has to perform. We decided to prefer this criterion over the others.

However, it is true that we could have had the participants do more intense exercises to increase their heart rate, but we wanted to limit the risk of injury as much as possible as well.

I hope I've answered your question.

Have a nice day !