Dependent Varables

Dependent Varables

di Andrea Frick -
Numero di risposte: 1
Thank you for your interesting and entertaining presentation!

I have two questions regarding your dependent variables, as they are a bit unclear to me:
a) Was the dependent variable (e.g. detection performance) averaged across all three blocks? Or only in the last (one or two?) blocks (as we would not expect a difference in the first block BEFORE the first break, right?) Or do your results refer to INTERACTIONS between block number and break condition?

b) Was trait anxiety measured three times as well? With the same questionnaire? If so, wouldn't participants remember their answers after such a short time period? If it was measured after the experiment, was the score they had before the experiment taken into account (that is, was the DV the CHANGE of the score across the experiment or the absolute value of the score?)
In riposta a Andrea Frick

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