Hi Martin,
Thanks very much for your interesting presentation. I have some questions concerning your method and the theoretical background, and also some advice to give. You will see that most of my questions are speculative and/or driven by curiosity, so don't feel intimated by the fact that you reading them instead of having a face-to-face conversation :)
1) It is rather interesting that short breaks in a very specific task (that most people don't perform in their normal lives) has an impact on trait anxiety, that is a longterm and generic characteristic of an individual. To me, it seems a bit strange that one thing could have a lasting effect upon the other. I wonder if the decrease in trait anxiety cannot be attributed to participants' response bias while repeatedly answering the same questionnaire. What do you think about this possibility? And why exactly (or by which mechanism) short breaks can influence trait anxiety?
Suggestion: In terms of theoretical background, I think your audience would greatly benefit from a little bit more information on the relationship between trait anxiety, task performance and the breaks. How do they relate and mutually influence each other? Does anxiety benefit performance, or does it hinder? etc. Maybe one or two sentences on your intro explaining how these three factors would help the audience.
2) You showed in your results that there was no effect of the type of break neither in trait anxiety nor in the overall performance of the search task. However, your experiment didn't have a control group with no break being performed. Why did you chose not to have a control condition?
Suggestion: Unless the positive effect of these specific breaks (music, where is Waldo, stretching) on performance in this specific task (luggage screening) is already accepted and proved several times in the literature, I think you should add a control condition. Otherwise, someone (Me!! hehehe) can look at your results and say "Hm, ok, there is no difference between the type of breaks... but do the breaks have any effect at all??"
3) Did you have a preliminary hypothesis for your results, concerning the different types of breaks? If so, I think it is worth stating them at the beginning of your poster and presentation, because it really helps the audience to understand your research.
The end. Thanks and have a nice week