

di Luísa Superbia Guimarães -
Numero di risposte: 1

Hello Suzana, 

Firstly I would like to congratulate you on your poster and presentation. They were very clear and your poster was really well designed. I particularly appreciated the way you detailed your hypotheses, the set of results and analyses for each of them and the fact that you highlighted the limitations of your study. These are all good examples of good scientific practice, so cheers!

Could you please give me a detailed explanation of your method? it was not clear for me how the participants performed the task in each of the conditions (real, VR, PC). Did they used VR glasses, etc? How was response given? 

As a suggestion, you could insert a drawing or a photo of your apparatus in your poster, this would benefit the audience. 

Thank your and best regards!

In riposta a Luísa Superbia Guimarães

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