In this course, students analyse constitutional matters such as government systems, judicial review, checks and balance arrangements, and human rights protection in a comparative perspective.
In the first week, the course starts with an introduction on the purpose of Comparative Constitutional Law as we discuss various methodological approaches to the field of Comparative Constitutional Law as well as other topics ranging from different types of constitutions to the migration of constitutional ideas. The second part of the first week deals with key constitutional concepts. We examine processes of Constitution-making and how Constitutions can be amended and effectively enforced. Subsequently, we turn to topics such as federalism and decentralisation and familiarize ourselves with different ways to organise public partici-pation, to protect common interests and to set up a system of horizontal and vertical power sharing. In doing so, we also try to better understand how power sharing arrangements and multilevel governance can be used for conflict resolution. The aim of the first week is to equip students with the conceptual tools to do insightful, critical, and original comparative work on their own. Consequently, students will put this in action in the second week when a larger group work on different aspects of a post-war Constitution in Syria will take place.
In the last week, we focus on fundamental constitutional values. The thematic sessions may include discussions on central issues such as individual freedom rights, equality, non-dis-crimination and socio-economic rights. Moreiver, we exaime how these values are protected and promoted in different constitutional systems. By analysing constitutional texts, cases and further material we aim at better understanding different human rights concepts and concretisation mechanisms as well as common features of different legal systems and contexts.
Beginning of the course:
Monday 18.02.2019, 09h15, Beauregard 1, conference room 1st floor
- Enseignant·e: Thea Bächler
- Enseignant·e: Eva Maria Belser Wyss
- Enseignant·e: Yvonne Heiter
- Enseignant·e: Simon Mazidi