Section outline

  • Chair: Boris Egger

    14.15h Peter Meister and Boris Egger

    Infos for the BeFri Research Colloquium and the BeFri Research Retreat 2019

    14.30h Vineet Choudhary (Roger Schneiter Group)

    Biogenesis of Lipid Droplets: implications in health and disease

    14.50h Riko Hatakeyama (Claudio De Virgilio Group)

    Spatial dissection of the cell growth signaling pathway

    15.10 Martina Rudgalvyte (Dominique Glauser Group)

    Identification of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I (CaMKI) phosphotargets in Caenorhabditis elegans

    15.30 Coffee break

    Chair: Peter Meister

    16.00h Rohan Chippalkatti (Beat Suter Group)

    Mms19: a mitotic gene and a novel microtubule regulator

    16.20  Carolina Garcia Poyatos (Nadia Mercader Group)

    Respiratory supercomplexes provide metabolic efficiency in zebrafish

    16.40 Désiree König (Anna Jazwinska Group)

    Characterisation of scattered paraneuronal cells in the epidermis of the zebrafish fin

    From 17.00h Pizza and Drinks in Pavillon Vert