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Seminar “Self-regulation and mindfulness in romantic relationship wellbeing”

Prof. Dr. Johan Karremans, Radbout University, Nijmegen NL

A long-term romantic bond is a key aspect of most people’s lives. Yet, while some people seem to be good at maintaining a romantic relationship, others have a hard time doing so. What distinguishes them? In this seminar, we will explore the role of self-regulation and mindfulness skills in the maintenance and wellbeing of romantic relationships. We set the stage by discussing the role of (romantic) relationships on our health and wellbeing. Next, we seek to understand some general processes that promote relationship wellbeing (focusing on interdependence theory), before get to the role of self-regulation in affecting relationship outcomes. The seminar ends with discussing mindfulness training as a potentially effective way of overcoming self-regulation problems, and promoting relationship wellbeing.


The seminar consists of a mixture of lectures, discussion and debate, and mindfulness exercises. That is, throughout the course, brief mindfulness exercises will be done, so that by the time we get to the theoretical discussion of mindfulness interventions, participants have some first-hand experience with the practice. Moreover, on Day 2, students will work on an assignment in small groups.

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