Enrolment options

The course eGovernment describes the simplification and execution of information, communication, and exchange processes between public administrations, public administrations and citizens, respectively public administration and private organisations, to provide electronic public services.

For citizens, web-based services include access to the tax system, social security, career support, or official documents. For organizations, these services give access to business formation, tax, statistics, procurement or environmental protection.

eDemocracy enables citizens, through the use of information and communication technologies, to exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations in the information and knowledge society in a time and place independent way: The citizen is involved in the clarification and planning of the public authorities, improved and customized information and discussion policies, customized to e citizen's need, barrier-free web access for electronic polls, building communities in various areas of the society, exercising their rights at every communal level as well as improving political controlling through adequate archiving and documentation systems.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)