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This course will give an introduction into EEG analysis using MATLAB with a special focus on EEGLAB. We will cover the basic steps of reading data, visualizing data and analyzing EEG signals. An additional focus of this course will be programming pratices. Students should learn to understand their data and forumlate the problem so it can be solved computationally. Students are strongly encouraged to bring their own laptop as this will be a hands-on course. A sample dataset will be provided or students can bring their own datasets and problems to work on. The course content will be adjusted to the experience and needs of the participants. To receive credit points a project must be completed. Students are expected to work on their project between the sessions, and hand in their code and a written report at the end of the semester. Although the dataset provided contains EEG data, students from other fields interested i time series analysis, are welcome to join.

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Auto-inscription (Étudiant·e)