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The lecture intents to give you an overview about important topics in evaluation research.

In particular the lecture aims to give answers to the following questions:
Why and for whom is the evaluation of psychological interventions important?
How can we evaluate psychological interventions?
How can we systematically summarize and evaluate results based on many treatment outcome studies?
What is the current state of evidence for psychological treatments of frequent mental disorders?
What can we learn about mechanisms of change?
How can results of the evaluation of psychological interventions be disseminated into practice?

In addition, the lecture aims to sharpen your critical spirit.
You will learn to scrutinize theoretical models of behavior change in the light of empirical evidence.
You will discover the potentials and limitations of a given (evaluation) study.
You will be able to follow up progress of treatment outcome research.

Lambert, M. J. (Ed.). (2013). Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

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