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The objective of this course is to learn to apply the theoretical and conceptual knowledge from courses in international management and intercultural management to real business projects and learn the collaboration within global virtual teams.

In the course, the participants from the University of Fribourg will be a part of a global virtual team. Each student will be in a different team, together with students coming from many different countries. Overall, thousands of students and professionals from over 40 countries participate in this experience. An external educational organization (X-Culture) provides real business projects presented by their corporate partners.

In regular virtual meetings, the teams develop ideas and solutions. Overall, about three months are given to develop a solution. There are weekly deadlines that the teams have to meet. At the end of the project, the teams will present their solutions in the form of team reports. A detailed description of this process can be found on http://x-culture.org/.

In Fribourg, the participants will meet bi-weekly (from September 30-December 2) with one of the lecturers to present their progress and plans. Therefore, the participants will be divided into two groups, one supervised by Prof. Eric Davoine, one supervised by Prof. Dirk Morschett.

The grading will be based on a paper that each student has to submit to the lecturers (which can be the team report) (60%) and a grade for participation, commitment and quality of proposed solutions (40%) in the weekly meetings.  


ECTS: 4.5

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