Enrolment options

Part I 
1.1 (Crystalline) Solids + Quasicrystals 
1.2 Liquids and Glasses, Brownian motion and its applications 
1.3 Complex Fluids, Polymers and Dynamics 
1.4 Structural Analysis : general theory of scattering from identical atoms and molecules 
1.5 Quasielastic scattering (time and frequency domain), light scattering, neutron scattering, diffusion 

Part II 
2.1 Crystalline Lattices and diffraction  
2.2 Lattice vibrations in the harmonic approximation: Oscillations in a 1-dimensional periodic chain, Dynamical matrix, Phonons 
2.3 Properties of Harmonic Crystals: specific heat 
2.4 Spectroscopy and Time-resolved Scattering Experiments 
2.5 Inelastic scattering: Phonon spectroscopy

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)