Opzioni di iscrizione

This student seminar is intended as an introduction to the problem of optimal mass transport. This problem asks for the most efficient way to move one distribution of mass to another distribution, relative to a given cost function. The theory of optimal mass transport has had a long history dating back to Monge in the 18th century. The basic requirements for following the seminar are the mandatory first and second year courses in mathematics as well as some familiarity with basic measure theory.

The seminar will start in the second week of the semester and will take place on Wednesdays from 15:15 - 17:00 in the Physics building, room 2.52. Please register for the seminar by sending an email to Stefan Wenger (stefan.wenger@unifr.ch) by 24 September 2023. All talks will be distributed during the first meeting on Wednesday 27 September 2023, and participation in this meeting is mandatory!

Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)