Migration law and policy are replete with manichaean answers to complex questions. What does it mean to be a migrant? What are the legal and ethical issues related to this administrative and legal characterisation? Should European states help those in distress at sea, or should they prevent their arrivals in the first place? Should the UE issue visas to asylum seekers or should it help the governments of third countries to develop thier economies and control their borders better? Those are a few questions this course will address, providing studients with various tools to better understand the underlying problems, as well as a platform for discussion.
Migrants often form the most vulnerable part of our society when they have a precarious status. Human rights law, as a minimum standard, plays an essential role in the protection of their rights. Very often, ethical questions also arise in the context of migration, for example, whether one should save people from drowning in the sea or whether racial profiling or the ritual slaughtering of animals shall be permitted (to name a few). The course will analyze different human rights in the context of migration. The main focus will be discussing current legal issues in light of recent case law of the European Court of Human Rights and other international instances.
- Enseignant·e: Melanie Berger
- Enseignant·e: Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf
- Enseignant·e: Giulia Raimondo