REDCap Updates

REDCap 14.5.8 LTS

In the Online Designer when viewing the fields of a specific instrument, a yellow star is now displayed to the right of the variable name for identifier fields to denote to users which fields are identifiers.

The most relevant changes are highlighted in red.

Bulk Record Delete
Category Description Introduced
User Rights New “Read Only” user privilege for the User Rights page: Users and roles can now be given “Read Only” access to the User Rights page, which will allow users to view the page but not be able to take any actions on the page. Note: If a user is in a Data Access Group while viewing the page, it is still the case that they can only view users from their own DAG on the page. 14.1.0
Projects Project Dashboard Folders: Project Dashboards in a project can now be organized into folders. If a user has Project Setup & Design privileges, they will see an "Organize" link on the left-hand project menu above the Project Dashboards panel. They will be able to create folders and then assign their Project Dashboards to a folder, after which the Project Dashboards will be displayed in collapsible groups on the left-hand menu. 14.2.0
Alerts & Notifications

New “Test Run” option when re-evaluating Alerts and Automated Survey Invitations: When performing the “Re-evaluate” feature for Alerts and ASIs, a new toggle that says “Enable Test Run?” can be clicked in the dialog, which will perform a test run (dry run) to simulate what would have happened (e.g., schedule or send alerts/invitations) but without actually doing anything. This will allow users to feel more confident if they actually need to perform a real re-evaluation of Alerts or ASIs so that they know beforehand how many records will be affected during the re-evaluation. In addition, users may download a CSV file of all affected record names afterward, whether using the test run option or not.

Functions Users may now use "now" or "today" (wrapped in quotes) instead of a field variable in the special functions day(), month(), and year() in order to capture a specific date component of today’s date. 14.2.2
Action Tags/MyCap New action tags: @MC-PARTICIPANT-JOINDATE-UTC and @MC-PARTICIPANT-TIMEZONE: These action tags will capture the MyCap participant’s timezone and also the install date/time (in UTC time) of the MyCap participant whenever the participant joins a project via the MyCap mobile app. NOTE: This is used only for the MyCap mobile app. The fields’ values are not generated when viewing the data entry form but only when the MyCap app is making a call to REDCap when the participant joins the project. Additionally, while these action tags can be added to a new field in already-existing MyCap projects, a field with this action tag will be auto-added to any projects where MyCap is enabled in the project after the fact and for any new projects created using the MyCap project template. 14.3.0
Field Embedding In the Online Designer, when a user clicks on the green button “Field is embedded elsewhere on this page” on an embedded field in the table, the page will scroll up to where the field is embedded and flash a red border around the container field. This will make it easier for users to find where a field is embedded.


MyCap now supports repeating instrument functionality for longitudinal projects. In previous versions, repeating instruments were only supported for class/non-longitudinal projects.

Fields The rich text editor used throughout REDCap now has a new drop-down option in the editor's toolbar for setting the "font family" and "font size" of any text in the editor.

Help The video "Full Project Build" was added as a new video on the project left-hand menu and on the Training Videos page.

MyCap Mobile Toolbox measures have been added for use in the MyCap mobile app. The Mobile Toolbox (MTB) is a research platform that includes a library of cognitive and other tests that can be administered remotely on a smartphone. The MTB's measures include smartphone versions of assessments from the NIH Toolbox, the International Cognitive Ability Resource, and the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System. A list of all available MTB tasks in REDCap can be viewed via the “Import Active Task” button in the Online Designer for any MyCap-enabled project.

Fields In the Online Designer when viewing the fields of a specific instrument, a yellow star is now displayed to the right of the variable name for identifier fields to denote to users which fields are identifiers.

MyCap In a MyCap-enabled project, all MyCap tasks can now be manually set as Active or Not Active at any time on the MyCap settings page in the Online Designer. Setting a MyCap task as “not active” will prevent the task from appearing in the MyCap mobile app for participants. Note: The previous release enabled this feature specifically for MyCap active tasks, while this change makes this feature available to all MyCap tasks (not just active tasks).

Fields In the Online Designer when Ctrl-clicking multiple checkbox or radio fields to display the “Modify multiple fields” options, a new option to “Convert to matrix group” will appear, thus allowing users to merge the selected fields into a matrix. When merging fields into a matrix, the confirmation dialog will note that only the choices for the first field selected will be preserved (in case the selected fields have different choices). Additionally, the action will remove all field notes from the fields and will also remove all section headers (except for the first field's section header, if it exists).
In the Online Designer when editing a matrix of fields, a new button will appear at the bottom left of the “Edit Matrix of Fields” dialog that says “Save & split matrix into separate fields”. When clicked, it will convert the matrix into separate fields.

API Background Data Import option for the API: Similar to using the Background Data Import on the Data Import Tool page, users may now utilize the feature when making a call to the Import Records API method. They can simply pass the API parameter “backgroundProcess” with a value of 1 (for Yes) or 0 (for No, which is the default) to invoke this option. The API will return a “success” message with “true” or “false” regarding if the data was successfully accepted. Note: This option works with any data format: CSV, JSON, or XML.

User Rights The Email Logging page now has its own separate user privilege. Previously, only users with "User Rights" privileges could access the Email Logging page. Now, users must explicitly be given "Email Logging" privileges in order to access the Email Logging page. Note: During the upgrade to REDCap 14.4.0 or higher, any users with "User Rights" privileges will automatically be given "Email Logging" privileges in order to keep continuity with their current access to the Email Logging page.

E-Consent Enhanced e-Consent Framework and PDF Snapshot Functionality: 
  • A new page named “Settings for e-Consent & PDF Snapshots” (linked from the Online Designer) serves as the new location where users can enable and set up the e-Consent Framework for a given survey and also set up triggers for storing PDF Snapshots. In previous versions, the e-Consent Framework and PDF Snapshot settings all existed on the Survey Settings page as several disparate options, but now they have been consolidated on this new page as two separate tabs. While these two exist as separate features, there is some overlap of functionality since the e-Consent Framework does ultimately store a copy of the PDF Snapshot for the e-Consent response. In addition to moving these features to the new page, both have been given enhancements, which are detailed below.

  • View a 5-minute overview video of the new features:

MLM/MyCap Multi-Language Management can now be utilized by MyCap. Users will see a new “MyCap” tab on the MLM setup page, which will allow them to translate their custom MyCap elements that will appear to participants in the MyCap Mobile App. Participants will be given the choice to use any of the project’s MLM languages after opening and viewing the MyCap Mobile App.

MyCap When using MyCap in a project, users can now customize the notification time (default 8:00AM) for MyCap notifications to participants using the MyCap mobile app.

Records Bulk Record Delete:
  • Users may use the Bulk Record Delete page to delete multiple records from the project or alternatively to delete data for multiple instruments across multiple records. To perform either of those two actions, a user must have "Delete Records" privileges, and for the partial delete option, a user must additionally have "View & Edit" instrument-level privileges for the instrument that they select.

  • The Bulk Record Delete page can be accessed from two different locations in a project: 1) On the Other Functionality page, and 2) On the Record Status Dashboard via the new Multi-Record Actions dropdown
