REDCap Updates

REDCap 15.0.9 LTS

The most relevant changes are highlighted in red.

Category Description Introduced
MLM/MyCap Multi-Language Management can now be utilized by MyCap. Users will see a new “MyCap” tab on the MLM setup page, which will allow them to translate their custom MyCap elements that will appear to participants in the MyCap Mobile App. Participants will be given the choice to use any of the project’s MLM languages after opening and viewing the MyCap Mobile App. 14.5.4
Records NEW FEATURE: Bulk Record Delete which enables to remove multiple records at the same time. 14.6.0

For MyCap projects that are longitudinal with multiple arms, users may now designate a Baseline Date Field for every arm on the baseline date setup popup in the Online Designer

Instruments A new PDF download button has been added to the instrument-view of the Online Designer to allow users to download all instruments as a single PDF 14.6.11

NEW FEATURE: Randomization enhancements.

A) Multiple randomizations in a project - Users may now define more than one randomization model in a single project. Each randomization model has its own settings (e.g., strata, randomization field, allocation table), and is completely independent of the other models.

B) Blinded randomization support - Users may now create a randomization model that is blinded/concealed as a means of concealing the allocation (randomization value) from users to be able to have a truly blinded randomized clinical trial, for example. Users may still choose to create an "open" randomization model (as they always could) by choosing a single-select multiple choice field (e.g., drop-down or radio) to be the randomization field. Alternatively, users may now choose any text field [that does not have field validation] to represent the "randomization number". The randomization number can be uploaded as part of the allocation table, and when a record is then randomized, the field is given the randomization number as its value.

C) New "Randomize Record" API method - This method allows an API user to randomize a record using the API. The API parameters required are content="record", action="randomize", record=Record name of record to randomize, and randomization_id=The unique id of the randomization (viewable on the Randomization page for users with Design permissions or on the API Playground page), which corresponds to a specific target field and event. This API method returns the value for the target randomization field (plus optionally the alternative target value), or an error message on failure (such as if the record does not exist or if stratification information is missing)

D) Real-Time Trigger Logic

  • Randomization can be automated to occur in real time when an instrument is saved and a specified logic expression becomes True, in which all required stratification information must be present. At the bottom of the randomization setup page for a given randomization model, the following options are displayed.
  • Manual only (default) - A user with "Randomize" user permissions must click the "Randomize" button on the data entry form where the randomization field is located.
  • Trigger logic, for users with Randomize permissions only - When the Save button on a specified data entry form is clicked, if the logic expression provided evaluates to True and the current user has "Randomize" user permissions, the record will automatically be randomized (i.e., without clicking a ""Randomize"" button).
  • Trigger logic, for all users (including survey respondents) - When the Save button on a specified data entry form or survey page is clicked, if the logic expression provided evaluates to True (despite the user's permissions if on a data entry form), the record will automatically be randomized.
Piping Users may now pipe the field label of a given field (instead of its data value) by appending ":field-label" to the variable name inside the square brackets. 14.7.2

The "Online Designer" video on the Training Videos page was updated, and a new video "Randomization" was added.

Fields NEW FEATURE: Descriptive Popups

Descriptive popups are custom popups of text that become visible after hovering over a specific word or phrase on a data entry form or survey. They have two main components: 1) the link text, which should match a word or phrase used on a form or survey, and 2) the custom text for the popup content. Users may set a descriptive popup to work on all instruments/surveys (default) or on specific ones. Descriptive popups are a great way to convey extra information on a form or survey without the text taking up space on the page. Users may configure their descriptive popups to be activated only on specific instruments. By default, they are enabled on all instruments. Additionally, if the popups are enabled to work on a survey, especially a multi-page survey, users can specify specific page numbers on which the popups will be activated.

Draft changes NEW FEATURE: Draft Preview Mode
  • Draft Preview Mode allows users to preview their data entry forms with their current drafted changes as if they were live. This allows users to fully test the changes they have made in Draft Mode, including all branching logic, calculations, action tags, and embedded fields, before submitting their drafted changes for approval.
  • Additionally, Draft Preview Mode will simulate live data entry on data entry forms, thus allowing users to enter ephemeral data that is stored only in their session; however, no data will actually be saved to the project. Once a user leaves Draft Preview Mode, all ephemeral data that has been entered will vanish.
  • Note: Draft Preview Mode only operates on data entry pages, the Record Status Dashboard, and the Record Home Page. It does not impact any other pages, and it currently does not work on survey pages.
Confidentiality A cookie policy was added that specifies the details of how cookies are utilized by a person's web browser when using REDCap. A link to the policy exists at the bottom of every webpage in REDCap. 14.9.0
Data dictionary The user interface of the "Data Dictionary" page in a project has been simplified and improved to help users better understand the general process of editing and uploading a data dictionary. Additionally, buttons have replaced the links for downloading the data dictionary for improved web accessibility and for a better user experience. 15.0.1
MLM When using Multi-Language Management, it is now possible to preset the language for a participant's Survey Queue by supplying the URL parameter "__lang", which must be set to a valid (active) language id (and is case-sensitive). Example: [survey-queue-url]&__lang=es. 15.0.1