Enrolment options

Learn how to create seamless learning experiences using a browser-based online platform with focus on interactivity, collaboration and reproducibility. Renku provides a safe and easy to use interface to create containerised environments with all the required dependencies and personalised interactive sessions. Teaching happens completely within the browser (JupyterLab, RStudio and more) using the resources freely provided by Renku@UNIFR via the DigitalSkills@Fribourg initiative.

With Renku you can :

  • focus on teaching data science/analysis and not on configuring student’s software environments;
  • adjust course granularity to a single question, exercise session or entire semester;
  • create classroom ecosystems featuring automation, collaboration and traceability.

With the help of 3 training modules you will learn how to use the online platform Renku according to your level of knowledge of Git, Python, R and command-line scripts.

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