Enrolment options

This course follows up on the introductory course on particle physics that is given yearly in the Spring semester.  

The framework in which particle physics is formulated and understood is introduced and the basic concepts that allow to understand particles and their interactions from first principles are discussed.

Chapter I – Particles and interactions
Cross sections
Fermi’s golden rule
Interaction cross section
Interaction by particle exchange
Feynman diagrams
Yukawa potential
Discovery of the pion

Chapter 2 – Particles and AntiParticles
The Dirac equation
Discovery of the positron
Spin and helicity
Pion decay

Chapter 3 – Physics at Lepton Colliders
Fermion-fermion scattering
Feynman rules
Positron-electron colliders
The e+e- → 𝜇+𝜇- cross section
Discovery of the tau lepton

Muon and tau decays

Hadronic R–ratio
Discovery of the gluon

Chapter 4 – Hadrons: Mesons and Baryons
Mesons as bound qq̅–states
Symmetries and conservation laws

Chapter 5 – The Standard Model
Symmetries at the base of the Standard Model
U(1) → Quantum Electrodynamics — QED
U(1)Y × SU(2)L → Electroweak unification
SU(3)C → Quantum Chromodynamics — QCD
The Brout–Englert–Higgs Mechanism
The End and open questions

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)