Change Language of Slider

Change Language of Slider

by Katja Wüthrich -
Number of replies: 3
Good morning

I have a question concerning the sliders (f. ex. VAS scale 0 to 10). The instructions for the sliders are written in English and despite the changes I did in the Multilanguage-Management-Tool to change it to German, it remains the same. Is there anything else that I need to do to change these instructions ('Change the slider above to set a response')?

Thank you very much for your help!


73 words

Attachment Slider.png
In reply to Katja Wüthrich

Re: Change Language of Slider

by Corentin Aurèle Wicht -

Dear Katja,

Many thanks for your message.

Could you please give me the project's name so that I can further investigate the issue ?



26 words

In reply to Corentin Aurèle Wicht

Re: Change Language of Slider

by Katja Wüthrich -
Oh I actually think the problem is solved. It's just in English on the page where I can adjust the survey, but on the actual survey it changed to German.

Thank you anyway!

33 words

In reply to Katja Wüthrich

Re: Change Language of Slider

by Corentin Aurèle Wicht -

Dear Katja,

I am glad to hear that you could solve your issue.

Nevertheless, please note that this REDCap forum is restricted to University of Fribourg members.

Hence, we do not offer support for projects which are not hosted at the UniFR (i.e., we have no access to such projects).

Best of luck in your research projects,


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