RedCap Maintenance

RedCap Maintenance

von Anna Christina Rauen -
Anzahl Antworten: 1

Dear RedCap Team

Since the first participants are starting our study next week we were wondering in what way the quite regular RedCap maintenance interferes with our data collection? Also do the automatically generated emails that are sent to our participants with the redcap links work?

Best regards,

Anna Rauen

50 Wörter

Als Antwort auf Anna Christina Rauen

Re: RedCap Maintenance

von Corentin Aurèle Wicht -

Dear Anna,

Unfortunately, data collection is not possible during our monthly REDCap maintenances.
That's the reason why we usually schedule our maintenances when the REDCap servers usage is at its lowest (from 6/7 to 8 a.m.).

Regarding the automatically generated emails (Alerts&Notifications), they are being queued by REDCap and are released as soon as the servers are back online. As such, your emails are never lost but may be delayed by a few minutes.



76 Wörter