Modifying answers in a completed questionnaire

Modifying answers in a completed questionnaire

par Romane Challet,
Nombre de réponses : 3

Good afternoon,

A respondent would like to modify his/her answers when he/she has already submitted it. The questionnaire appears as "complete" in RedCap and I can't change this status, even if I have a Sponsor/PI role. How can I do it? Will the password to access this questionnaire be different?

Thanks in advance.

53 mots

En réponse à Romane Challet

Re: Modifying answers in a completed questionnaire

par Corentin Aurèle Wicht,

Dear Romane,

Are you talking about a survey? Could you please provide information on the project (name and server) as well as the instrument name? 

In surveys, if you have not activated this option in , respondents will not be allowed to adjust their responses (at least themselves):

Now, as the study team, you can give yourself the rights necessary to modify existing survey responses (be careful as this may be dangerous, i.e., deleted responses CANNOT be recovered). For that purpose, head to , click on your user role to modify the access privileges  and tick the corresponding "Edit survey responses" box:

Of note, the status of a questionnaire (be it a survey or not) is only informative and doesn't mean that the responses are "locked" for editing.



130 mots

En réponse à Corentin Aurèle Wicht

Re: Modifying answers in a completed questionnaire

par Romane Challet,

Thanks for your answer. 

I'm talking about a survey, on REDCapMED, project P128_MedNIS Baseline, instrument CEM_Sante_Baseline. I have already allow the "save and return later" option for the respondents, but it only work if the respondent has not finished to fill the questionnaire (I checked already). In my case, a respondent who has fully filled the questionnaire and submitted it would like to make some changes himself, how can I make it possible?

Thanks in advance.

76 mots

En réponse à Romane Challet

Re: Modifying answers in a completed questionnaire

par Corentin Aurèle Wicht,

Dear Romane,

You can change the "save and return later" functionality to enablesa survey respondent to come back and fill in a completed response as well. For that purpose, go to  and click on  (for the "CEM_Sante_Baseline" instrument). You just need to activate this option  under the 

Best wishes,


50 mots