Import or upload existing instruments

Re: Import or upload existing instruments

von Corentin Aurèle Wicht -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Dear Alexia,

Thanks for your question, it's indeed possible to export an instrument from a project to then import it back in another one.

First, go to the project which contains your Baseline instrument and go to  then click on the dropdown menu "Choose Action" and select "Download instrument ZIP":

Then, head to your new project and still in the click on "Update instrument ZIP file from another project/user":

You may have to rename some of the new imported items if they are conflicting with existing ones (remember that in REDCap item names should also be unique).

Regarding the "external libraries", they are actually not coming from the REDCap team as is specified in the pop-up: "These third-party websites are *not* affilliated with REDCap in any way, nor is REDCap responsible for their content". 



136 Wörter