time span in survey

time span in survey

par Cindy Heinzmann,
Nombre de réponses : 1

Hey REDCap Team

I'm wondering if it is possible, to force participant to stay on one page of the survey for e.g 3minutes without the possibility to press the "next page" button.

Thank you in advance!

36 mots

En réponse à Cindy Heinzmann

Re: time span in survey

par Corentin Aurèle Wicht,

Dear Cindy,

That's a very interesting question.

It would require some additional Javascript coding specifically to your survey which could be done by using a dedicated External Module but this would then increase the risk of cyber attacks on the whole server.

As such, I am very sorry but this is not something that we plan to implement.

In the mean-time why not have simply a message before the button to inform users that they should wait 3 minutes before going to the "next page" ?



88 mots